Immunization Requirements
Entering 海角社区 students are required to present proof of the following immunizations to the 海角社区 campus they will be attending before the beginning of their first term of enrollment.
Measles and Rubella:
All new and readmitted students born after January 1, 1957 must provide proof of full immunization against measles and rubella prior to enrollment. Submit medical documentation to the Student Health Center to verify both vaccinations were received since age 1 or obtain the vaccination at no charge through the Student Health Center.
Hepatitis B:
All new students who will be 18 years of age or younger at the start of their first term at a 海角社区 campus must provide proof of full immunization against Hepatitis B before enrolling. Full immunization against Hepatitis B consists of three timed doses of vaccine over a minimum 4 to 6 months period. If you need further details or have special circumstances, please consult Student Health Services at 805-437-8828 located in Yuba Hall on San Luis Avenue.
Registration on the Web
Registration takes place on the web at . This is the University鈥檚 student information system. Students register for classes at appointment times, which are set based on priority registration status, class level and descending number of units earned (seniors, then juniors, etc). New students will also register online, after Orientation and new student advising workshops. Access to the system is secured by a unique user ID and password. If you require help, please view our online guide,聽How to Enroll in Classes听(, 571KB).
The system also allows students to maintain their address and phone number, view their grades at the end of the term, and review their transcripts of classes taken at CI. As new features are implemented, they will become available on the site.
Help documents covering login procedures and minimum browser requirements for use of are available at You will find the 鈥淗ow To鈥 guides posted along with various forms available on the web, such as the Change of Program form.
Short video tutorials covering the enrollment process such as how to add, drop, swap and waitlist a course, are now available at
Schedule Planner is a new online tool for students to build possible schedule combinations. The schedule can then be imported into the student鈥檚 CI Records Shopping Cart. Additional information is available at
Several video tutorials on how to use Schedule Planner are located at
Students are responsible for payment of their tuition fees. Registration is complete only after tuition fees have been paid. See the University Fees and Refunds section for more information on or go online to
Undergrad Unit Load
- An undergraduate student in good academic standing may enroll in up to 18 units without advisor approval.
- An undergraduate student on academic probation may enroll in up to 13 units without advisor approval.
- Undergraduate students in good academic standing who wish to enroll in more than 18 units are required to have
- written approval from the chair or a faculty advisor in the student鈥檚 declared major, as聽specified by the major program, or
- written approval from an academic advisor if the student has not yet declared a major.
- Undergraduate students on academic probation who wish to enroll in more than 13 units are聽required to have an academic advisor鈥檚 written approval. Via the Additional Unit Authorization Form
Students may opt to be placed on a waitlist for a class that is full at the time of registration. The student will be informed at the time of registration in of his/her position on the waitlist for a class. Students opting for the waitlist are not guaranteed entry to the class. However, prior to the start of classes, if sufficient space becomes available, and the student has not enrolled in another section of the same class or in another class that would cause a time conflict, the student will be enrolled into the class from the waitlist. Students who opt to be waitlisted for a class are encouraged to check their schedules often to determine if their position on the waitlist has changed or if they have been enrolled in the class from the waitlist. Students will not otherwise be notified of their enrollment in a class from the waitlist. If a waitlist exists for a class at the start of the semester, a waitlist roster will be provided to the instructor which lists students in the order that they waitlisted for the class. The instructor may, at his / her discretion, use the waitlist to determine who may be allowed to add the class.
The waitlist is not available for class sections that have been cancelled nor is it available for non-enrollment components of classes.
Time Conflicts
Students may not enroll in classes that conflict in time. If the faculty members involved believe a student may participate fully and attend two classes that conflict in time in the schedule, the student must obtain the signature of both instructors for these classes on the Time Conflict form, and state the reasons why this is possible. Time Conflict Forms are also available in the Enrollment Center.
Change of Program
Students are responsible for managing their programs of study; obtaining any authorizations required to add, drop or swap classes or to change the basis of grading for a class. Such changes can be made on the web in prior to the start of classes without any authorization. Once classes begin through the end of the third week of the semester, the authorization of the instructor is required to add via a course specific permission number. Beginning with the fourth week of instruction, all enrollment changes must be requested by obtaining required instructor and Program Chair signatures on the Change of Program form. Therefore, the late addition of classes during the fourth week must be processed at the Enrollment Center on the Change of Program form by appropriate staff.
Students are responsible for any additional tuition fees incurred as a result of adding classes. Please refer to the Change of Program Table in this Schedule of Classes for information on Change of Program deadlines and required authorizations.
Permission Number Use For Adding Classes Once Term Starts
Students will be allowed to electronically add courses by using a system generated permission number in CI Records starting the first day of classes. 听(, 22.2KB)
The instructor will assign a unique 鈥減ermission number鈥 to the student for this purpose. The permission number is tied to a specific course subject and section number and can only be used once in order to register in the class.
During the online adding process, input the permission number on the 鈥渃lass preferences鈥 page. The number will override all prerequisites and class enrollment limits.
Permission numbers expire on the third Friday of the term. During the fourth week of the semester both the instructor and Program Chair signatures are required on a Change of Program (Add/Drop) form.
A 鈥淗ow to Use Permission Numbers鈥 guide and permission number FAQ are available on the Records & Registration website.
Late Registration
Students who have not registered prior to the start of classes must follow the late registration procedures in order to enroll. Students must obtain authorization from the instructor to add a class prior to the published deadline. Students may add classes by obtaining the signature of the instructor on the Change of Program form, available in the Enrollment Center in Sage Hall, and having the form processed at the Enrollment Center. Or, if available, the student may enroll online using a permission number obtained from the instructor.
Late registration must be completed by the end of the third week of instruction. A $25.00 Late Registration fee is charged in addition to all regular registration tuition fees. Refer to the University Fees section of this publication for more information.
Late enrollment in all courses after the fourth week of the semester must be reviewed by committee. Students need to fill out the Late Registration Appeal form. A written explanation and supporting documentation is required. Attending class sessions prior to official enrollment at the University does not guarantee approval. Late registration is available only to students admitted to the聽University. Please refer to the Change of Program Table in this Schedule of Classes for information on Change of聽Program deadlines and required authorizations.
Adding Additional Classes
- Students may add classes online using a permission number obtained from the instructor during the first three weeks of the semester. 听(, 22.2KB)
- Additions to a student鈥檚 schedule requiring a Time Conflict form or Additional Unit Authorization will always require the use of the paper form.
- After the third week of instruction a student may request permission to add a class with the approval of the instructor, the program chair, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs (or聽designee), as indicated by their signatures on the Late Registration/Change of Program form.
- Students are not permitted to add a class after the fourth week of instruction. Exceptions may be made only in case of extenuating circumstances outside the control of the student and when the student has been attending the course and is current with all coursework. The signatures in item 3 are required.
Dropping Classes
Prior to the start of classes and through the end of the third week of the semester, students may drop classes on the web in without any authorization of the instructor. Although a record is kept of the drop, the course will not appear on the student's permanent record.
Beginning with the fourth week of instruction and prior to the twelfth week of instruction, withdrawal is permissible only for serious and compelling reasons. The approval signatures of the instructor and the Program Chair are required to withdraw from a class during this period. The AVP of the appropriate College and the Associate Director of Records & Registration, or their designee(s), must approve the request before it can be processed. Documentation of the serious and compelling reason(s) is required. A "W" grade will be recorded on the student's permanent record.
Withdrawal during the final four weeks of instruction is not permitted except in cases where the circumstances causing the withdrawal are clearly beyond the student's control, and the assignment of an "I" (Incomplete) grade is not practical. Ordinarily, withdrawal in this category will involve complete withdrawal from the University. The student must fill out the Withdrawal Request for Term form (, 512KB) and obtain approval signatures from their instructor(s), program chair(s), Academic Affairs, Financial Aid, Student Business Services, Student Housing (if applicable) and Records & Registration. Documentation of the circumstances causing the student to request withdrawal will be required. A "W" grade will be recorded on the student's permanent record for each course. However, approved medical withdrawals will not count against the 18 units allowed for complete withdrawals.
Failure to properly withdraw from class(es) may result in the student receiving failing grades ("WU" grade). Please refer to the Change of Program Table in this Schedule of Classes for information on Change of Program deadlines and required authorizations.
Instructor Initiated Drop Non-Attendance
An instructor may drop a student who does not attend class and who has not made prior arrangements with the instructor. This may occur as early as the first class meeting or any time during the first three weeks of the semester.
Note: It is the student's responsibility to manage his / her class schedule and any change of program. Failure to properly drop a class may result in the student receiving a failing ("WU") grade for the course. The student will be alerted via Dolphin Email by Records & Registration once a drop for non-attendance has occurred.
An instructor may drop a student who has enrolled in a class requiring permission of the instructor or completion of prerequisites if the student has not properly secured this permission or satisfactorily completed the prerequisites before enrolling.
Change of Grading Basis
A student may opt to change the grading basis for a class, only if an alternate grading basis is available to that course as indicated in the Catalog. Some classes are not available to be taken on a Credit / No Credit grading basis, conversely, some classes are only offered on a Credit / No Credit basis and may not be taken for a letter grade. Consult the Catalog for the options available to each course. Additionally, the student should be aware that courses taken for the major may not be allowed to be taken on a Credit / No Credit grading basis.
Changes of Grading Basis must be requested by completing a Change of Program form and having the form processed at the Enrollment Center.
Please refer to the Change of Program Table in this Schedule of Classes for information on Change of Grading Basis deadlines.
Complete Withdrawal from the University
Students who find it necessary to withdraw from 海角社区 Channel Islands after enrolling are required to follow the official withdrawal procedures. Students must provide proof of a serious and compelling reason for withdrawal. Complete Withdrawal from the University is requested by completing a Withdrawal Request for Term form听(, 512KB)聽and obtain approval signatures from their instructor(s), program chair(s), Academic Affairs, Financial Aid, Student Business Services, Student Housing (if applicable) and Records & Registration. Students are required to withdraw from all classes during the last four weeks of the term. Documentation of the circumstances causing the student to request withdrawal will be required. A "W" grade will be recorded on the student's permanent record for each course. However, approved medical withdrawals will not count against the 18 units allowed for complete withdrawals.
Please refer to the Change of Program Table in this Schedule of Classes for information on Change of Program deadlines and required authorizations. Failure to properly withdraw may result in the assignment of failing grades in all courses. Students receiving financial aid are advised to consult with Financial Aid, prior to withdrawing from the University, regarding any required return or repayments of grant or loan assistance received for that academic term. If a recipient of financial assistance under federal Title IV financial aid programs withdraws from the institution during a payment period, the amount of grant or loan assistance received is subject to return and repayment provisions governed by federal law. Consult the University Fees section of this publication for information on refunds as a result of Complete Withdrawal from the University. Students living on campus should also consult with Housing & Residential Education concerning their contractual obligations.
Continuous Enrollment/Leave of Absence
Undergraduate Students
Students who take a one semester leave of absence from CI are considered continuing students and do not need to take any action prior to registration. Any student in good academic standing may apply to take a leave of absence from the University for up to four consecutive semesters. While a student may apply for multiple leaves, no student will be permitted more than six total semesters of leave from CI. Academic Leave Forms are available at Records & Registration and online at the Records & Registration Forms Library at (SP 03-06)
Graduate Students
A graduate student must maintain continuous enrollment during their course of study at CI. Any graduate student in good academic standing who cannot maintain continuous enrollment may apply to take a leave of absence from the University for at most four consecutive semesters. No more than six cumulative semesters of leave may be taken. (SP 09-09)
Special Enrollment Programs
Disability Related Priority Registration
In order to allow for required accommodations to be arranged, including ordering of alternate format texts, scheduling of interpreters, etc, students may request for priority registration in order for them to finalize their schedules as far in advance as possible. Contact Disability Accommodations and Support Services at 805-437-3331 (V/TTY) or visit their website at
Intrasystem Concurrent Enrollment
This program permits students to enroll for classes at 海角社区 Channel Islands and another 海角社区 campus simultaneously. There is no limitation to the number of times a student may enter this program, as long as an application is filed each semester within the application deadlines outlined by the host campus. This deadline is four weeks prior to the start of the term, but can vary by campus. Please consult your program advisor and financial aid representative at your home campus. Contact Enrollment Management for the Intrasystem Concurrent Enrollment application or visit our website at
Intrasystem Visitor Enrollment
This program permits students to enroll solely at a 海角社区 campus different from their home campus. Registration tuition fees are paid to the host campus (the campus which the student is visiting). Financial aid recipients should check with a financial aid representative at their home campus. Applications must be filed within the application deadline outlined by the host campus. This deadline is four weeks prior to the start of the term, but can vary by campus. Contact Enrollment Management聽for the Intrasystem Visitor Enrollment Application form听(, 428KB).
海角社区 海角社区 Fully Online Program
Full time 海角社区 students enrolled at any 海角社区 campus have access to fully online courses at other 海角社区 campuses through the 海角社区 Fully Online. Credit earned at the 海角社区 campus offering the online course is automatically reported to your home campus and included in your academic record.
Before enrolling in an online course at another 海角社区, consult with your academic advisor to determine how the course may apply to your degree requirements. The online course schedule聽provides information regarding general education requirements satisfied by available online courses.
Please note: CI students may only attend another semester-system 海角社区.
All courses taken at another 海角社区 campus will transfer to your "home" 海角社区 campus as at least elective credit. For more information log into:
Veteran's Benefits and Responsibilities
Veterans or their eligible dependents may be entitled to education benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs as students of 海角社区 Channel Islands. Students utilizing VA benefits will need to meet regularly with the VA Certifying Official in Enrollment Management. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 805-437-8500. (Note: Enrollment is certified after the end of the Add/Drop/Late Registration period.)
Students receiving VA benefits are responsible for promptly notifying the VA Certifying Official of changes in academic program, course load, address, marital or dependent status, and of withdrawal from class.
Questions about enrollment status should be directed to the VA Certifying Official in the Enrollment Center at 805-437-8500 or contact us at Please be aware that the University does not make decisions regarding a student's eligibility for Veterans benefits. For information about benefits, contact the Department of Veterans Affairs (). Veterans eligible to enroll at CI are given priority registration appointments during regular term sessions. Visit our veteran services homepage at for additional information.
Go to the Student Center in to View your:
- General Education Requirements
- Graduation Requirements
- Major and Minor Requirements
- Transfer Credit and Test Credit
- Unofficial Transcript
- Approved Course Submissions
Formerly known as the Degree Progress Report (DPR) the CARR is still easy to use!
Use the What-If Option to search for a new Major
Instructions located at
Keyword search: CI Academic Requirements
For assistance interpreting your CARR contact the Advising Center. If you believe your CARR is inaccurate, file a discrepancy form available, on the website or email