
Table of Contents

Transferable Credit/Classes

Can I take classes over the summer at a community college?
Yes, visit to find transferable and articulated courses from a California community college to CI, for your major, GE, graduation requirements, or elective units.

Does the class have to be equivalent to a CI course for it to transfer and count for a requirement?

Yes and No.

  • If you are taking a course for a GE or American Institutions requirement, as long as it meets that requirement at the community college, CI will accept it.
  • If you are taking a course for a free elective (not major elective), as long as it is 海角社区 transferable, and you have not taken an equivalent class at CI, the course will transfer.
  • If you are taking a course to meet a major course requirement, and there is no articulation, the class will not transfer to CI as equivalent to your major course.

What if my transfer course appears to be equivalent to a course in my major, but is not listed as equivalent in Assist?

  • If the class is lower division, it will not be considered equivalent to an upper division (300+) course. There are rare exceptions, which are noted in .
  • If you are trying to substitute a lower division major class from a community college that does not have articulation, meet with your major advisor or chair to petition to substitute the class.
  • If you took the class at another university, you will need to meet with the major advisor or chair to get approval to substitute the class.

What if a class didn鈥檛 transfer for a GE I think it should count for?
You can fill out a GE/Graduation Substitution Request  located on the Registrar鈥檚 Office website.

  • You need to attach a course description and/or syllabus to the form.
  • An Academic Advisor can help you with the petition process during a scheduled advising appointment.

What are the maximum units that I can transfer from a community college?
You can transfer a maximum of 70 units from the community college.

  • If you have already transferred 70 units, you can still take classes to satisfy requirements; the grade points will transfer, and you will receive content credit, but the units will not apply towards the 120 units needed to graduate.
    • Check your Transfer Credit Report in CI Records to confirm total units transferred.
  • You will need a minimum of 50 university units 鈥 non-community college.
    • Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and military credit count towards university units.
  • If your remaining units to graduate, exceed the 120 units, you can continue to take classes at a community college without it affecting your progress towards graduation.
    • Talk to an academic advisor to confirm remaining units.

Where do I find out information about Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or College Level Exam Program (CLEP) Exams?
You can refer to the University Catalog or the Academic Advising Transfer Credit Page for information. Remember to check for the year you completed the exam/s.

What does GE or IGETC certified mean?
If you are a transfer student, and complete the 海角社区 General Education or Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) transfer pattern, you can get certification from the community college in GE areas A-E.

  • Your lower division GE will be done at CI.
  • You can be partially certified in one or more GE areas.
  • You are still held to graduation requirements (i.e. language, multicultural perspectives, and the American Institutions requirement).

Can an Advisor assist me with questions regarding transferring to another school?
Contact the Admissions Office at the school you wish to attend. CI Advisors may be able to advise on general requirements for transferring but cannot assist you with specific questions related to transferring to a specific school.


Academic Notice

Where can I get FAQs specifically about the probation process?
You can review the Academic Notice FAQ about the probation process.


Academic Disqualification

Where can I get FAQs specifically about disqualification?
You can review the Disqualification FAQ about the disqualification process.



When should I apply for graduation?
Deadlines are posted on the Registrar鈥檚 Office website. Applications are due one semester in advance of the term you want to graduate. Apply online through your Student Center in CI Records. Use the How To Guide: Apply for Graduation for step-by-step instructions. 

How do I get information about Commencement?
Please refer to the Commencement website for details.

Can I receive honors at graduation?
Yes, you can receive honors at graduation if you complete a minimum of 30 units at CI and earn a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5 or above in all classes taken at CI.

  • Cum Laude, you need a 3.50-3.74 cumulative GPA.
  • Magna Cum Laude, you need a 3.75-3.89 cumulative GPA.
  • Summa Cum Laude, you need a 3.90-4.0 cumulative GPA.

Do I get a graduation check before I graduate?
There are no formal graduation checks performed, but Academic Advising offers Graduation Check workshops to assist students. Refer to the Registrar鈥檚 Office website for full information regarding graduation.

Can I walk in commencement if I鈥檓 graduating in the fall semester?
If you are graduating in fall, you can come back for the spring commencement ceremony. For example, students who graduate Fall 2021, Spring 2022, and Summer 2022 are eligible to participate in the Spring 2022 Commencement ceremony. Refer to the Commencement websitefor details.


General Education/Graduation Requirements

Why do some students have different General Education (GE) requirements than me?
General Education requirements sometimes change. Students on a different catalog year than you may have different requirements. Please refer to our GE FAQ website for details and also review your Channel Islands Academic Requirement Report(CARR),to see what GE catalog year you are on.

I signed up for a class to meet a GE requirement, because my catalog year showed it met that requirement, but I didn鈥檛 get credit for it. Why?
When taking classes for a GE or graduation requirement, you must look at the current catalog year. Courses sometimes change and no longer meet requirements. However, there is a one-year grace period, when courses change.

  • If you took a class within a year after the change occurred, you can still get credit for the GE or graduation requirement. This will not happen automatically.
    • You can either meet with an advisor to request course credit or email the Registrar鈥檚 Office at registrar@csuci.edu to request credit.

What is the Upper Division General Education requirement (UDGE)?
To graduate, you need three UDGE courses (one course in each UDGE-B, UDGE-C, and UDGE-D category). To find classes in each category, visit the General Education section of the .

Note: If you started at CI prior to Fall 2018, you might have UDIGE (Upper Division Interdisciplinary General Education) courses to fulfill instead of UDGEs. Please refer to our GE FAQ website for details.

What is the GWAR requirement?
The Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) will be satisfied by completing a designated writing intensive course in the major. However, during the Fall 2018 through Spring 2020, GWAR will not be required.

Do I need elective units to graduate?
You need a minimum of 120 units to graduate. If your total units after completing all major, general education and graduation requirements do not add up to 120, you will need elective units to make up the difference.

How many total upper division units do I need to graduate?
You are required to complete a minimum of 40 upper division units (courses numbered 300-499). If you are short 40 upper division units, but meet 120 units, contact an advisor for options.

I transferred in as a senior, what are the residency requirements?

  • 30 units taken at 海角社区CI
    • 12 must be in the major
    • 24 units must be upper division

What are the requirements that require a 鈥淐-鈥 or better?

  • General Education (GE) categories: A1 Oral Communication, A2 English Writing, A3 Critical Thinking, and B4 Math and Quantitative Reasoning.
  • Graduation requirements: language and the GWAR course.
    • Note: Fall 2018 through Spring 2020, GWAR will not be required.
  • Students who started CI, Spring 2018 or prior are required to complete Upper Division Interdisciplinary General Education (UDIGE) courses, which have a grade requirement of 鈥淐鈥 or better.
  • Some majors have grade and/or GPA requirements. Check the

How do I know if I am on track to graduate?
You can review your Channel Islands Academic Requirements Report (CARR) to check your progress towards graduation in fulfilling requirements and unit completion.

  • If you are planning to graduate within four years, you need to average 30 units per year. It is recommended that you take 15 units per semester to graduate on time.
    • If you are unable to take 15 units, you can take classes over summer at a community college to stay on track. You can meet with an academic advisor to confirm transferable courses, and/or refer to .

What is the CARR?
The Channel Islands Academic Requirements Report (CARR) is the official electronic report of your record, which outlines every degree requirement: General Education, Graduation, Major, Minor requirements, and total units towards graduation. It is found in your Student Center in CI Records. Please refer to the Registrar鈥檚 website for further information.

My CARR shows 3 sections to meet the American Institutions Requirement? Do I need to complete 3 classes?
Not necessarily; while this requirement covers three areas, it can be met with two classes. Refer to the Graduation Requirements in the or your Channel Islands Academic Requirements Report (CARR) in CI Records for course options.

Can I take another language besides Spanish, American Sign Language, Arabic or Chinese?
Yes, you can take another language at the community college or another university.

  • If you take a language course at the community college, make sure the language course is a general education C2 Humanities course as conversational courses do not meet the foreign language requirement.
  • If you take a language course at another university, you may need to fill out a GE/Graduation Substitution Request in order to receive credit.
    • You may have already met the language requirement at another institution if you are a transfer student.
  • If you take a native language course, while studying abroad (other than English) of the host country, it will meet the language requirement.

I am fluent in a foreign language; can I test out?
Yes, you can take the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam to get credit. You can refer to the University Catalog or the Academic Advising website on the Transfer Credit Page for details.



Where is the Academic Advising Center?
We are located in Bell Tower Central, Room 1552.

What if there is a discrepancy on my CI Academic Requirements Report (CARR)?
The Registrar鈥檚 Office maintains your CARR. Email the Registrar鈥檚 Office at registrar@csuci.edu and ask to have your CARR corrected or updated, or an advisor can make the request the next time you have a scheduled appointment.

Can I repeat a class?
Yes, although there are two types of repeats:

  • Some courses can be repeated for grade forgiveness, if repeated at CI. You can repeat courses with an earned grade of 鈥淐-鈥 or less - up to 16 units. The better of the two grades is calculated in your GPA. Beyond 16 units, an additional 12 units will be averaged into your GPA.
    • Courses repeated at another school will be averaged into your GPA.
    • You can only repeat (for grade forgiveness) the same course once.
    • Failing grades due to academic dishonesty are not eligible for grade forgiveness.
  • Other courses are set up as repeatable for credit, where you can take the course again and earn units. Check the course description for details.
  • Refer to the Registrar鈥檚 Office website on Repeats, Withdrawals and Incompletes for further details.

What if I need to repeat a course for grade forgiveness that I have repeated before?
By policy, you are only allowed to repeat a course once. If it is a course in your major, you will need to fill out an form, which needs to be approved by the Program Chair of your major. 

Can I take a class for credit/no credit?
You can take a course credit/no credit if the course is designated as having the option for CR/NC grading. This information can be found in the course description. You can also check with the Registrar鈥檚 Office in Sage Hall, Room 1020 or an Academic Advisor if you need clarification.

  • Note that if the course has a grading option, you can make the change through the 8th week of the semester.

How can I change my major?
You can fill out a form.

  • You can change to any major or minor without approval, except for Nursing.

How can I take more than 18 units in a semester?
You need to get approval from an academic advisor or major advisor, utilizing the form online.

  • If most of the classes will be in your major, it is preferable that you meet with your major advisor for approval.
  • If you are undeclared, meet with an Academic Advisor.

What is an 鈥淚ncomplete鈥 grade?
An incomplete grade ("I") indicates that an extension has been allowed to complete a portion of the coursework. Reasons for the request usually indicate an unforeseen and justifiable interruption occurred during the latter part of the semester.

  • The instructor and student agree on the terms and deadlines to complete said work and an agreement, written record of conditions is created.
  • A student has up to one calendar year to complete the coursework, and if not completed, the incomplete automatically converts to an 鈥淚C鈥 grade which is equivalent to an 鈥淔鈥 grade in the GPA.
  • Refer to the Registrar鈥檚 Office website on Repeats, Withdrawals and Incompletes for more details.

Can I appeal a grade?
You can only appeal the final course grade by following these steps:

  1. Direct your appeal to the Professor in writing by the end of the seventh week of the following semester and copy the Chair. Your Professor has two weeks to respond in writing to you and the Chair.
  2. If the grade is correct, and you are not satisfied with the Professor鈥檚 response, you can make an appointment with the Chair to appeal the grade. If the Professor does not respond to the student鈥檚 appeal within this designated time period, then the Program Chair can act on behalf of the Professor. If the Professor is the Program Chair, you can talk to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  3. If you are still not satisfied after receiving a response from the appropriate administrator, you can submit a written appeal by the end of the eleventh week of the semester to the University Appeals Committee through the Academic Affairs Office.
  4. The University Appeals Committee will get a written response from the Professor and review the information submitted to see if more information is needed or make a decision on a grade.
  5. You will be notified in writing of the decision.

What are the deadlines for adding, dropping or withdrawing from classes?
You can add or drop classes through the 3rd week of the semester, and can withdraw for 鈥渟erious and compelling reasons鈥 through weeks 4-12. Refer to the Registrar鈥檚 Office website on Withdrawals for more details.

What if I can鈥檛 register for a course, and I meet the prerequisite?

  • If you have met the prerequisite with an articulated or an approved petitioned course and are not able to register for the course, you need to contact the Registrar鈥檚 Office via email registrar@csuci.edu.
  • If you met the prerequisite with a course that is not articulated on , you must contact your major advisor to determine if you have actually met the prerequisite and may need a permission number to add the class.

Who do I meet with to get approval for study abroad courses?
You should meet with your major advisor to discuss the courses you could take abroad to satisfy major requirements. Academic Advisors can assist with reviewing remaining general education and graduation requirements.

How do I know what my Catalog year is?
Check your CI Academic Requirements Report (CARR) through CI Records to confirm your catalog year. For more information, please view, 鈥How to view your CARR.鈥

  • Typically, it is the year you started CI, but it can also be the year you declared your major, or the year you are graduating.

Who is my Advisor? Do I have one specifically assigned to me?
All undergraduate students have professional and Faculty Advising available to assist with questions regarding academic programs and graduation requirements at CI.

  • Professional advisors (Academic Advisors) located in the Academic Advising Center are open to all undergraduate students and are not assigned to specific students.
    • You may see any Advisor each time you come in, or you can see the same one based on your preference or first available.
  • A list of Major Advisors can be found on the Academic Advising website under Faculty Advising or at the Academic Advising Center.

How do I know if I should be seeing an academic advisor or major advisor?

  • An academic advisor helps with the following:
    • clarifying/advising on general education and graduation requirements
    • degree progress: total units and time needed to graduate
    • clarifying academic policies
    • work with students having academic difficulties
    • assistance in choosing a major
    • adapting to college
  • A major advisor helps with the following:
    • advising on major requirements
    • major projected course offerings and degree planning
    • major road map, sequence, or flow charts
    • clarifying expectations for major
    • petitioning course substitutions for major
    • research/internship opportunities

What is my class standing based on my units?
Check your CARR to confirm the number of units you have completed.

0- 30 units Freshman
31 - 59 units Sophomore
60 - 89 units Junior
90+ units Senior

I鈥檓 not sure if I will be able to attend school next semester, can I take a semester or year off?
Yes, you can be gone for 2 consecutive semesters and still be considered a continuing student.

I have been out of school for 2 years, can I come back to CI? What is the process?
Yes, you can come back to CI, but you will have to submit a Returning Student Application (PDF, 139 KB), which must be signed by an academic advisor. Contact the Advising Office at 805-437-8571 to schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss coming back to school. You can refer to the Returning 海角社区CI Students webpage

Disclaimer 鈥 For more information regarding transfer credit, your CARR, substitution/petition status, or forms please contact the Registrar鈥檚 Office.


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