
2005 Task Force on Academic/Curricular Planning: Recommendations

The Task Force on Academic/Curricular Planning was created by the Provost and the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate in Spring, 2005, and charged with making recommendations for a ten year academic plan for the University (see the Charge of the Task Force for more information).  The Task Force made is recommendations in July, 2005, and these recommendations will be reviewed by the University community and approved by the Academic Senate in fall, 2005.  The recommendations follow on interviews with many faculty on program recommendations, meetings with leaders from area community colleges, and the collection and review of national, state, and local data on expected program growth and employment opportunities.

The Task Force members were Scott Frisch (co-chair), political science, Steve Lefevre (co-chair), dean of faculty, William Cordeiro (business), Joan Karp (education), Nancy Mozingo (biology), Joan Peters (English), Steve Stratton (library), Amy Wallace (library), Gary Berg (dean of extended education), Therese Eyermann (special assistant to the President), J.E. Gonzalez (director of institutional research), and Jane Sweetland (dean of enrollment services).

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