
Feb. 6, 2025

Dear Students and Colleagues,

In follow-up to my message to the campus community last week (鈥Belonging鈥), I write again today with a message that is no less urgent or heartfelt but perhaps more informative. I want to ensure that everyone is equipped with the resources and information needed to navigate interactions with immigration enforcement officials in the event they come to campus. Below, you will find important tools, guidelines, and other helpful resources.

This message is divided into two sections: guidance for employees who may need to interact with immigration enforcement officers on behalf of the university; and guidance to students and employees who may be the target of immigration enforcement actions.

Guidance for Employees Who May Need to Interact with Immigration Enforcement Officers

  1. 海角社区 is a public university, and a large portion of 海角社区 property is open to the general public. The areas on campus that are open to the general public, like the campus quad and walkways, are also open to federal immigration enforcement officers. However, immigration officers cannot enter areas that are not open to the general public, such as residence halls, classrooms while class is in session, confidential meeting rooms and spaces, or employee offices unless the officer presents a valid judicial warrant or declares that exigent circumstances exist. Exigent circumstances are emergency situations that would allow immigration officers to enter a location without a judicial warrant (refer to  2).

  2. Cal State Channel Islands has designated Chief of Police Drake Massey to review all immigration enforcement documents. If an immigration enforcement officer approaches you to gain access to a nonpublic area of the University campus (refer to Campus Time, Place, and Manner Regulations), or to obtain confidential student or employee records, do not voluntarily grant access; respectfully inform the officer that you lack authority but will immediately contact MariaElena Plaza or 437-8490 (if you are staff or MPP), Gina Sanchez Gibau or 437-8543 (if you are faculty), or Julia Heck or 437-8512 (if you are a student). If the individual you attempt to contact is not available, contact the University Police Department yourself at 805-437-8444.

  3. If immigration enforcement officers declare exigent circumstances, or enter nonpublic spaces without permission, do not interfere or obstruct them. Immediately contact Chief Drake Massey at 805-437-8444.

  4. 海角社区 has prepared the following resource materials to educate and assist employees concerning interactions with immigration enforcement officials:
    •  for 海角社区 Employees about Federal Immigration Enforcement Actions on University Property
    • : Responding to Immigration Enforcement Requests to Access Nonpublic Areas on Campus and/or Student or Employee Records; training posted to 海角社区Learn
    • : What to Do If a Federal Immigration Enforcement Officer Requests Access to University Property or Records
    •  and Model Polices to Assist Universities in Responding to Immigration Issues
  1. Additional Resources

Guidance for Students/Employees Personally Impacted by Enforcement

海角社区 is dedicated to supporting all students, staff and faculty. Many resources exist to support students, staff and faculty concerning immigration enforcement activities.

  1. Talk to a Free Immigration Service Provider. Get free legal advice now and plan how to respond to potential immigration enforcement encounters. To schedule an appointment contact  College Immigration Legal Services.

  2. Make a Plan. Access the  and  developed by Immigrant Legal Resource Center to help immigrants with no legal status or in a mixed-status household create a strategy to protect themselves and their family members.

  3. Know Your Rights. Take time to figure out which documents you should and should not carry with you. Always carry a  documenting your  Printed copies are available at the Inclusive Student Services Center in the Bell Tower.

  4. University Support. Contact MariaElena Plaza or 437-8490 (if you are staff or MPP), Gina Sanchez Gibau or 437-8543 (if you are faculty), or Julia Heck or 437-8512 (if you are a student) if you are approached by ICE or become aware of ICE presence on campus.

  5. Stay Informed. 海角社区 promotes and posts free webinars presented by our Immigration Legal Resource Providers on its , including a list of .

Student Support Services on Campus

  1. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): Our counseling services offer confidential support for students dealing with stress, anxiety, and other mental and emotional needs that comes with being undocumented.
  1. Inclusive Students Services Center: Engage with the Inclusive Students Services Center, a space that offers support, resources, and advocacy for undocumented and LGBTQ+ students, among others.

  2. Other Cultural and Identity-based Resource Centers: If you are navigating the intersection of undocumented status with other identities, our cultural identity centers (i.e., LatinX Cultural Center, Black Cultural Center) offer additional support and resources.
  1. Basic Needs: Utilize our Basic Needs Program for resources like the food pantry, emergency housing assistance, and financial support for essential needs to lighten some costs for your necessities.
  1. Legal Services: Access free legal assistance for matters related to immigration and other legal issues impacting undocumented students through our Inclusive Student Services Center, or schedule an appointment directly with  College Immigration Legal Services.
  2. Academic and Tutoring Support: Engage with academic advisors and tutoring services through our Writing & Multiliteracy Center and our Learning Resource Center to ensure you have the support you need to navigate your courses and academic plan.
  1. Student Clubs: Join one of our student-run  to get involved and build opportunity for connections, community, advocacy, and peer-to-peer support.
  1. Workshops and Information Sessions: Attend workshops such as those offered by  that address key topics including immigration laws and strategies during this time.

Employee Support Services on Campus

  1. Employee Assistance Program. Mental health and wellness resources for faculty and staff are available through our Employee Assistance Program.
  2. Legal Services: Employees are entitled to free legal assistance for matters related to immigration and other legal issues impacting employees. Schedule an appointment with  College Immigration Legal Services.

Richard Yao, Ph.D.

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