Data-Based Decision Making & Planning

The Inclusive Excellence Action Plan (IEAP) was originally created by a team of staff, faculty, and students from across the University, with IEAT 5 continuously
inventorying accomplishments and identifying opportunities to do better toward the
goal of achieving racial and social justice across all divisions by ensuring that
the processes of collecting, analyzing, accessing, and using data effectively serve
decision-making and planning processes. The Equity Lens Framework developed by President’s
Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence (PACIE) is a tool used by this group for
the purpose of seeing and using data (e.g., on courses, programs, co-curricular offerings,
enrollment management, UPD policies and practices) through the lenses of diversity,
equity, and inclusion.
Institutionally Funded Initiatives:
Incentivized Funding to Curricular and Co-Curricular Programs for Retention and DEIA
Development Activities (short- and long-term components) (IEAT 5.7)
Responsible divisions: DAA with DSA
- IEAT 5.7
- Primary contacts: Lina Neto and Bill DeGraffenreid
- Funded: $173,732
- OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: Provide incentive funding to academic and co-curricular programs
who participate in retention and DEIA development activities, including:
- Retention-focused activities/programming
- $100,000 | proportional distribution to departments based on enrollment/program participation
- Developing DEIA Learning Outcomes by Curriculum Committee (Academic Policy & Planning
Committee) – Faculty Stipend
- $7,500 | $2,500/per person, up to 3 available
- Course-Level Development of DEIA Learning Activities
- $20,000 | $1,000/per person, up to 20 available
- Interdisciplinary Course Development of DEIA Learning Outcomes
- $10,000 | $1,000/per person, up to 5 groups of 2
- Developing Discipline Based Co-Curricular Activities with DEIA Focus
- $10,000 | $1,000/per discipline, up to 10 awards
- Funding towards consulting efforts towards the above activities
Status Reports November 2022
Course-Level Development of DEIA Learning Activities (, 198KB)
Interdisciplinary Course Development of DEIA Learning Outcomes (, 244KB)
Through the IEAT/IEAP process, we are working to create a culture of DEIA praxis --
that is, the ongoing cycle of reflection and action -- with IEATs serving as the reflection
arm and IEAPs serving as the action arm of this work. Toward that end, status reports
are submitted by IEAP Initiative Leads and read by members of Inclusive Excellence
Action Teams (IEATs) and by the President's Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence
(PACIE) who will support the IEAP Initiative Leads by responding to formative assessment
questions posed in their status report.
Outreach & Recruitment of African American Students (IEAT 5.8)
Responsible divisions: DAA with DSA, DUA
- IEAT 5.8
- Primary contacts: Eboni Ford Turnbow and Toni DeBoni
- Funded: $70,863
- OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: Below, you will see the application vs. yield rate for this
population at º£½ÇÉçÇøCI. It is the hope that by providing recruitment opportunities for
this group, we will be able to increase our recruitment and retention of this underserved
Fall 2019 |
Fall 2020 |
Fall 2021 |
Applications |
2.97% |
4.42% |
3.12% |
Yield |
2.29% |
2.27% |
1.47% |
Divisionally Funded Initiatives
Bridging Perspectives Curriculum (IEAT 5.3)
Responsible divisions: DAA with BFA
- IEAT 5.3
- Primary contact: Angela Portillo
- OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this initiative as proposed by IEAT 5 is, "Co-taught
University Police Department and º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Faculty, Bridging Perspectives Student-Officer
Course is a critical conversations course. Providing an opportunity for University
Police and º£½ÇÉçÇøCI students to build relationships on both sides through the use of
a structured curriculum and course work over a 15-week period. Taught as a 490 course,
students would earn university credits after completing the course. The plan would
be to utilize an approved/developed curriculum at the national level. The funding
requested is needed to buyout the time of the faculty member co-teaching the course."
Dashboard Clean-up & Access Expansion (IEAT 5.4)
Responsible division: OTP
- IEAT 5.4
- Primary contact: Matt Zivot
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: Through a preliminary inventory done by IEAT 5, it was discovered
that there are over 100 dashboards stored on the º£½ÇÉçÇøCI server that are no longer updated,
utilized, and do not provide a means to assist with aggregating data in a meaningful
way when looking at GI 2025 goals. As such, there needs to be a ‘purge’ of these dashboards
from the system. The system should house dashboards that are routinely updated by
IR staff and not waste valuable server space with unnecessary dashboards. This work
could be done with the reallocation of existing IR staff (preliminary vetting of these
dashboards has already been done by these data analysts).
As a second part of this Action Plan, access needs to be expanded to the remaining
dashboards (post-purge). The dashboards that remain provide a wealth of information;
however, very few individuals on the campus are aware of the dashboards or have access.
The recommendation of IEAT 5 is to provide access to all º£½ÇÉçÇøCI employees through the
myCI portal so that there is greater data transparency on campus. This work could
also be done by the existing IR staff who currently provides access to the data dashboards.
IR Policy Work (IEAT 5.5)
Responsible division: OTP
- IEAT 5.5
- Primary contact: Matt Zivot
- OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: A full review of existing policies related to IR work(e.g.AA.04.004;A.04.005/SP.04.001;
AA.04.006; AA.04.007; AA.07.001/SP.15.005) must be completed to ensure that they align
with the campus’ philosophy on data transparency, security, and the emphasis on data-driven
decision making. Additionally, a new policy should be developed stating that new dashboards
moving forward must include the ability to view student demographics and success metrics.
Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) Dashboard Development (IEAT 5.9)
Responsible division: OTP
- IEAT 5.9
- Primary contacts: Drake Massey and Matt Zivot
- OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: Making information transparent to the campus community, the
University Police Department will begin collecting RIPA data beginning January 1,
2022. With the assistance and expertise of IR staff, the information collected could
be made available to the campus community through a comprehensive data dashboard in
the aggregate for analysis.