
Student Access & Success

IEAT 6 is continuously inventorying accomplishments and identifying opportunities to do better toward the goal of achieving racial and social justice across all divisions in the areas of student engagement opportunities in curricular, co-curricular, and community contexts. The Inclusive Excellence Action Plan (IEAP) was originally created by a team of staff, faculty, and students from across the University, with specific topics for IEAT 6 including ongoing exploration and improvement of access to and provision of impactful academic supports, advising services, basic needs resources, and expanded access to courses to facilitate graduation, eliminate equity gaps, and achieve º£½ÇÉçÇøCI’s GI 2025 goals.

Institutionally Funded Initiatives:

Block Enrollment, Summer Courses Expansion, Increased Student Access (IEAT 6.1)


Responsible divisions: DAA with DSA

    • IEAT 6.1
    • Primary contacts: Jessica Lavariega Monforti, Colleen Forest and Ernesto Guerrero
    • Funded: $30K
    • OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: All First-year students are currently enrolled for 2 courses - expand to enroll in 4-5 courses for the 1st year, to include adding all first-year students in a student success course such as Univ 100 or 150.
  • Status Report Spring 2024 - Block Enrollment (, 217KB)

    Status Report Fall 2023 - Block Enrollment ()

    Status Report May 2023 - Block Enrollment (, 50KB)

    Status Report November 2022 - Block Enrollment/Guided Registration (, 284KB)

    Through the IEAT/IEAP process, we are working to create a culture of DEIA praxis -- that is, the ongoing cycle of reflection and action -- with IEATs serving as the reflection arm and IEAPs serving as the action arm of this work. Toward that end, status reports are submitted by IEAP Initiative Leads and read by members of Inclusive Excellence Action Teams (IEATs) and by the President's Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence (PACIE) who will support the IEAP Initiative Leads by responding to formative assessment questions posed in their status report. 

Subsidize Summer Enrollment (IEAT 6.3)


Responsible division: DAA

    • IEAT 6.3
    • Primary contact: Jill Leafstedt
    • Funded: $70K
    • OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: Create grants for students to take 1-2 classes through Summer Extended University
  • Status Report Fall 2023 - Subsidized Summer Enrollment ()

    Status Report May 2023 - Subsidize Summer Enrollment (, 131KB)

  • TBD

Build Leadership and Expertise to Guide Cross-Campus DEIA Efforts (IEAT 6.5)


Responsible divisions: OTP with BFA, DAA, DSA, DUA

    • IEAT 6.5 (in place of hiring a CDO)
    • Primary contact: Kaia Tollefson
    • Funded: $46,061
    • Note: Six IEATs recommended hiring of a Chief Diversity Officer. Without permanent, recurring dollars available to launch CI’s first Inclusive Excellence Action Plan (IEAP), a more modest proposal to build leadership and expertise to guide cross-campus DEIA efforts was proposed and funded: The MPP-Dismantling Racism Text-Based Discussion Groups. In future, submission for permanent funding to hire and staff a CDO office would occur through BFA’s budget development/SRPC process.
    • OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: An initiative recommended by IEAT 6 was called "Build Leadership and Expertise to Guide Cross-Campus DEIA Efforts," and IEAT 1 recommended "Develop Chief Diversity Officer Position and supporting office." Four of the six IEATs either directly recommended in their submitted IEAPs or wrote about the need for CI to hire a Chief Diversity Officer, and of the 46 IEAP initiatives proposed across the six IEATs, the President's Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence rated this recommendation most highly in terms of its likelihood to move the needle on improving DEIA at CI (12 YES, 3 MAYBE, 0 NO). While a permanent position cannot be advocated through one-time Strategic Initiatives/IEAP funds, it is clear that building leadership and expertise to guide cross-campus DEIA efforts is desired by those who have spent a good deal of time thinking about what is needed to move the needle on advancing racial and social justice at CI. The question thus became one of how to best utilize one-time funds in the immediate future to build our DEIA leadership potential.

      The logic of this proposal rests on the idea that building CI's DEIA leadership potential must begin with supporting members of our administrative ranks in the ongoing work of creating with each other a shared vision and shared understandings of DEIA vocabulary, history, concepts, theories, and goals necessary for helping to lead this work. Successful institutionalization of these values, embedding DEIA in all that we do, requires it. The "Dismantling Racism: Text-Based Discussions for Campus Administrators" initiative would provide funds for creating book groups for campus administrators, modeled after Dismantling Racism (DR) conversations that have been ongoing among Office of the President staff since Fall 2020. Opportunities for campus administrators to learn together, support each other, share understandings, and build a common leadership vision for DEIA are necessary.

  • Status Report Spring 2024 - Build Leadership and Expertise to Guide Cross-Campus DEIA Efforts  (, 211KB)

    Status Report May 2023 - Build Leadership Expertise to Guide Cross-Campus DEIA Efforts (, 170KB)

    Status Report November 2022 - Build Leadership & Expertise to Guide Cross-Campus DEIA Efforts—MPP Dismantling Racism Text-Based Discussion Groups (, 244KB)

    Through the IEAT/IEAP process, we are working to create a culture of DEIA praxis -- that is, the ongoing cycle of reflection and action -- with IEATs serving as the reflection arm and IEAPs serving as the action arm of this work. Toward that end, status reports are submitted by IEAP Initiative Leads and read by members of Inclusive Excellence Action Teams (IEATs) and by the President's Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence (PACIE) who will support the IEAP Initiative Leads by responding to formative assessment questions posed in their status report. 

    • In Spring 2022, all campus administrators were invited to apply to be a facilitator of an MPP-Dismantling Racism discussion group. Eleven facilitators were invited to participate and met through Summer 2022 to design an implementation plan together.
    • In Fall 2022:
      • All administrators were invited to join an MPP-DR group
      • 10 co-facilitators launched five MPP-DR groups.
      • The first text selected by all five groups to read and discuss: The Racial Healing Handbook, by Anneliese A. Singh (2019)
      • Prior to the first meeting, all participants were asked to complete a of their knowledge, comfort, and leadership confidence

Divisionally Funded Initiatives

Basic Needs Awareness and Promotion (IEAT 6.4)


Responsible divisions: DSA with DAA

    • IEAT 6.4
    • Primary contacts: Cindy Derrico and Mike Gravagne
    • OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: Mandate the inclusion of Basic Needs Canvas Module for all º£½ÇÉçÇøCI courses. Module created for campus sharing by Basic Needs in partnership with TLi. Strongly encourage the inclusion of a Basic Needs Syllabus statement for all faculty. Additionally, create satellite locations for greater student access.
  • Status Report Spring 2024 - Basic Needs Awareness and Promotion (, 317KB)

    Status Report May 2023 - Basic Needs Awareness and Promotion (, 198KB)

    Status Report October 2022 - Basic Needs Awareness and Promotion (, 293KB)

    Through the IEAT/IEAP process, we are working to create a culture of DEIA praxis -- that is, the ongoing cycle of reflection and action -- with IEATs serving as the reflection arm and IEAPs serving as the action arm of this work. Toward that end, status reports are submitted by IEAP Initiative Leads and read by members of Inclusive Excellence Action Teams (IEATs) and by the President's Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence (PACIE) who will support the IEAP Initiative Leads by responding to formative assessment questions posed in their status report. 

Student Success Champions (IEAT 6.6)


Responsible divisions: DAA with DSA

    • IEAT 6.6
    • Primary contacts:  Michelle Hasendonckx  and Ernesto Guerrero
    • OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE: Create a cross-divisional university committee co-chaired by Academic and Student Affairs tasked with defining student success, sharing student data for campus stakeholders to make informed program decisions to improve DEIA efforts and unifying campus-wide student retention efforts. To include representatives from faculty (rotating terms), including student support services staff/admin and students
  • Status Report Spring 2024 - Student Success Champions (, 214KB)

    Status Report May 2023 - Student Success Champions (, 252KB)

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