Should you be interested in serving on any of these committees, please complete a . You can also access the student interest form by clicking on the Apply Now button at the top and bottom of the page. Please only complete one form per academic year.
As you review the list and think about applying, please consider meeting dates/times since meeting attendance is crucial to the role of student representative.
Committees With Vacant Positions
- Academic Senate/ Academic Senate Executive Committee*
- Alternative Transportation Subcommittee
- Broome Library Web Committee
- Center for Community Engagement Advisory Board
- General Education (GE) Committee
- Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Committee
- Materials, Services, Facilities, and Technology (MSFT) Committee
- Physical Master Plan Committee
- Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC)
- Writing & Multiliteracy Center Student Advisory Board (WMCSAB)
*Committee vacancies are limited to students serving on Student Government
Other Committees (No Vacancies)
- Academic Appeals Committee
- Academic Policy and Planning Committee (APPC)
- Advisory Academic Technology Sub-Committee
- Advisory Student Administrative Systems Sub-Committee
- Alumni and Friends Association Board of Director
- Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Board
- Campus Acquisition Committee (CAC)
- Commencement Committee
- Culture of Philanthropy Committee
- Food Services Committee
- Preparedness Working Group (PWG)
- President鈥檚 Planning and Policy Council (PPPC)
- Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Committee
- Strategic Resource Planning Committee (SRPC)
- Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
- Sustainability Working Group
- University Auxiliary Services (UAS) Board of Directors
- University Police Advisory Council
Academic Appeals Committee (2 Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The Academic Appeals Committee reviews petitions for reinstatement to the University, as well as appeals of academic disqualification and grade appeals.
Meeting information:
The Academic Appeals Committee typically meets 2-3 times per semester. There are normally two (2) filing deadlines, one for reinstatement petitions and the other for disqualification appeals, so the committee will hold a meeting after these deadlines to review respective appeal cases; with exact meeting times to be determined based on members鈥 availability. However, please note that meetings may take place over the winter and summer breaks. Learn more about Academic Appeals Committee.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 2
- Special requirement(s): None
Academic Policy and Planning Committee (APPC) (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
Academic Planning is directed by the APC which is comprised of faculty and administrators responsible for updating the campus academic plan on an annual basis. It is charged with:
- Collecting empirical data and information on program needs in the region and the state
- Identifying emerging fields and degree opportunities that further 海角社区CI's mission
- Soliciting input from campus and community constituencies on program priorities
- Providing cost estimates for new and projected programs
- Coordinating the introduction of state-support and self-support programs by working closely with the Dean of Extended Education
- Providing recommendations on majors, minors, emphases and other programs to the Provost and the Academic Senate
- Disseminating its findings to the wider campus community
Learn more about the Academic Planning Committee.
Meeting information:
The committee meets on alternate Tuesdays at 9 a.m.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s): None
Academic Senate/Academic Senate Executive Committee
What does the committee do?
The Academic Senate is the official representative legislative body of the University and speaks on behalf of the University community on matters within its purview. The purpose of the Senate is to recommend policy on curriculum, academic standards, criteria and standards for the selection, retention and tenure of faculty members and other matters that affect faculty and students. .
Meeting Information:
The and the Academic Senate Executive Committee each meet bi-weekly on rotating Tuesdays, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s): ASI Representative
Advisory Academic Technology Sub-Committee (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The Advisory Academic Technology Sub-Committee advises the Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC) and consults on the management of University-wide IT support of instructional and scholarly activities, from the perspective of a college or division, not individual users.
Meeting Information:
The committee meets monthly during the academic year, based on member's availability.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: Not Available
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s): None
Advisory Data Governance Sub-Committee
What does the committee do?
The Advisory Data Governance Sub-Committee leverages the collective knowledge and expertise of campus partners to University-wide data governance matters, to develop, enhance, and support data governance policies and procedures that address 海角社区CI鈥檚 need for data privacy, confidentiality, integrity and availability. The committee also will support regulatory, accreditation, compliance and other similar requirements in its decisions and recommendations regarding the use of institutional data.
Meeting Information:
The committee meets on the first Thursday of the month, 1-2 p.m.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: Not Available
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s): None
Advisory Student Administrative Systems Sub-Committee (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The Advisory Student Administrative Systems Sub-Committee advises the Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC) on the application of administrative systems in support of 海角社区CI students.
Meeting Information:
The committee meets monthly during the academic year, based on member's availability.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: Not Available
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s): None
Alternative Transportation Subcommittee
What does the committee do?
The Alternative Transportation Subcommittee is a subcommittee to the Physical Master Plan Committee. Its purpose is to review, assess and make recommendations on issues related to transportation and parking. This year, the committee will review current policies and programs, and recommend budgetary priorities for the enhancement and development of sustainable alternative modes of transportation to and around campus in alignment with the University鈥檚 strategic plan. Learn more about the Alternative Transportation Subcommittee.
Meeting Information:
The committee will meet between November 2021 and April 2022, dates and time are to be determined.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 3. Only the commuter student position is currently open.
- Special requirement(s):
- 2-year appointments, staggered preferred
- 1 residential student, 1 commuter student and the Transportation Student Senator.
Alumni and Friends Association Board of Directors (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The Alumni & Friends Association of 海角社区 provides alumni support and services, engages and informs alumni of university activities, and encourages alumni to give back in support of current and future students. Learn more about the Alumni and Friends Association Board of Directors.
Meeting information:
This academic year (AY21-22), the committee will meet at 6 p.m. on 9/13/21, 11/15/21, 2/21/21 and 3/09/22. Visit the AFA BOD website for additional information.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 2
- Special requirement(s):
- 2-year terms
- Preference given to juniors
Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Board (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
ASI on the CI campus is governed by the ASI Board which consists of students, administrators, staff, faculty, and a community member. The ASI Board provides:
- Oversight and conception of all governing documents
- Recommendations on ASI administration & Student Union budgets
- Recommendations on ASI budget allocations for student organizations & Student Life programming
Meeting information:
The board meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:40- 9:00 a.m.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): varies
- Special requirement(s):
- Must have a 2.5 CI GPA or higher
- Since part of ASI, appointment for these positions is slightly different than the process for positions on other University committees
Basic Needs & Emergency Initiatives (BNEI) Committee (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
This BNEI committee acts as a cross-divisional advisory body for the CI Basic Needs and Emergency Initiatives Program to advance the program by addressing student housing, food, and financial insecurities that may create hurdles for student鈥檚 academic goals. Learn more about the BNEI Committee.
Meeting information:
The committee typically meets twice a semester based on member's availability.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 2
- Special requirement(s):
- One position is usually held by a Student Government representative, the other by a student-at large.
Campus Acquisition Committee (CAC) (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The CAC advises the President on issues related to the acquisition and placement of works of art in public spaces in the University.
Meeting information:
This committee only meets as needed a few times a year and based on member's availability.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: None
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s): None
Center for Community Engagement (CCE) Advisory Board (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The CCE Advisory Board advises and assists the leadership team in considering and making decisions concerning broad strategic directions and issues; consults in the development of strategic documents and applications; advises and assists in assessment processes; and links campus to community through various initiatives.
Meeting information:
The committee plans to meet once or twice a semester for a hour or two. Meetings will be scheduled based on members availability.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s):
- Preference given to students who can serve for a 2-year term
Commencement Committee (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
This Commencement Committee is made of a small group of CI staff, faculty, students, and/or community, and leads a campus-wide effort to plan and coordinate the premier academic ceremony of the year鈥擟ommencement. The committee strives to make Commencement a first-class memorable celebration, to promote campus pride, to recommend CI's executive leadership new campus traditions, and to create a meaningful experience for graduates and their families.
Meeting information:
The committee typically meets once or twice per month in the fall and weekly in the spring.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: No website for the committee but see the Commencement website for details about the event
- Number of student representative(s): 3
- Special requirement(s):
- Position is not open to senior students participating in Commencement, since the appointed student is required to work on the day of Commencement (usually the third Saturday in May).
- Preference given to a student who is already employed on campus or someone who is involved in clubs/orgs or has strong involvement in the campus and community.
- Good social/people skills are a plus, as there may be significant interaction with Executive Staff and the President's Office.
Commencement Vocalist Committee (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The Commencement Vocalist Committe committee is made of a small group of CI staff, faculty, students, and/or community members appointed by the Committee Chair to screen, audition, and select vocalists for the CI Commencement Ceremony(s). The members of this committee sit through auditions and callbacks to select vocalists to sing the National Anthem and the Alma Mater at Commencement.
Meeting information:
This committees only meets in the spring (late January to early March).
Student representative appointment position information:
- Point of
- Number of student representative(s): 2
- Special requirement(s): None
Culture of Philanthropy Committee
What does the committee do?
The Culture of Philanthropy Committee is charged with brokering inroads with internal university groups, committees, boards, and individuals who should be invited to participate in specific educational sessions as well as those who could become strong partners for philanthropy on campus.
Meeting information:
The committee will meet every 6 weeks starting mid-September based on members availability.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: None
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s):
- Preference given to ASI members
Food Services Committee (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The Food Services Committee provides a forum to discuss and recommend action on issues related to campus food service; conducts on-going review of campus food service and related issues; functions in a positive, proactive manner with campus constituencies to ensure the best possible food service delivery to the campus community.
Meeting information:
The committee meets 3 times per semester, traditionally on a Thursday, 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: Not Available
- Number of student representative(s): 4
- Special requirement(s):
- 1 ASI representative
- 1 Residence Hall Association (RHA) representative
- 1 Commuter Student
- 1 Student at-large
- Student appointments require presidential approval
General Education (GE) Committee (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The GE Committee sets and implements policy that affects the General Education course requirements at CI. As such, it affects every student in every major.
Meeting information:
The committee meets every Thursday (9:00 - 10.15 a.m) during the fall and spring semesters.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: None
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s): None
Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Committee
What does the committee do?
The IRA committee serves as a steward of the IRA Fund, which supports instructionally related activities that are essential to the educational mission at CI. Learn more about the Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Committee.
Meeting information:
This committee meets every 2 weeks.
- Number of student representative(s): 6
- Special requirement(s): None
Materials, Services, Facilities, and Technology (MSFT) Committee
What does the committee do?
The MSFT committee provides oversight to the MSFT fee and provide recommendations to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs on the scope of service, delivery, funding, and other critical issues relating to projects, facilities, equipment, technology and services that support student learning, as well as the facilities and environment of the campus. Learn more about the MSFT Committee.
Meeting information:
This committee meets in the spring. Dates are to be determined.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 6
- Special requirement(s): None
Physical Master Plan Committee
What does the committee do?
The Physical Master Plan Committee assists the President in the coordination, development and control of a long-range plan for the physical development of the campus, within a framework of policy established by the Trustees of the 海角社区.
Meeting information:
The committee meets once a semester based on members availability.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: None
- Number of student representative(s): 2
- Special requirement(s): 2-year appointments preferred
Preparedness Working Group (PWG) (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The PWG serves as CI鈥檚 leadership team dedicated to fostering a climate of civil discourse, open inquiry and discussion of ideas and free expression on campus. The PWG is committed to encouraging free speech and protecting academic freedom while ensuring that the campus remains a safe and welcoming environment for diverse points of view.
Meeting information:
To be determined but meetings will be scheduled based on member鈥檚 availability.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Website: None
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s):
- The assigned student usually is the Student Government Vice-President
President鈥檚 Planning and Policy Council (PPPC) (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
the PPPC committee develops and recommends policy as well as reviews and assesses the development and progress of the University Strategic Plan. Learn more about the PPPC.
Meeting information:
Visit the PPPC website for details.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 3
- Special requirement(s):
- The assigned students usually are the Student Government President, a senator and the ASI Chair.
Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Committee
What does the committee do?
The Strategic Enrollment Management Committee is tasked with developing a plan to achieve 海角社区CI鈥漵 optimum enrollment by focusing on what will best serve student needs (prospective and enrolled) and support their educational attainment. Specifically, the committee will devise a plan to articulate how the university will market, brand, recruit, serve, retain, and graduate a diverse student population over the next ten years. This multiyear roadmap will generate intentional, strategic, and measurable goals that can be regularly monitored and evaluated. This committee has 3 subcommittees ((, 173KB):
- Student Recruitment Subcommittee
- Marketing & Branding Subcommittee
- Student Experience Subcommittee
Meeting information:
This new committee will have its initial meeting in November and will then meet on a weekly basis for an hour .
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 1
Strategic Resource Planning Committee (SRPC)(No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The SRPC serves as a subcommittee of the President鈥檚 Planning and Policy Council that has oversight of CI鈥檚 strategic planning efforts. The committee advises the President on the development of the University budget and to further the campus-wide understanding of the next budget and serves a critical role to ensure that CI is well-positioned to continue its mission of service to students and the community. Learn more about the SRPC.
Meeting information:
The committee meets once a month on a Friday, 1:00-2:30 p.m. Please visit the SRPC website for details.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 2
- Special requirement(s):
- Student representatives usually are the Student Government President and a senator
Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) (1 Vacancy)
What does the committee do?
The SFAC reviews new campus proposals and the modification of current category II and III fees in order to provide advice to the campus President on A) how to proceed with appropriate and meaningful consultation, and B) adjustments to campus mandatory and course-based fees. Learn more about the SFAC.
Meeting information:
This committee meets on the first Friday of the month, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. during the fall and spring semesters.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 6
- Special requirement(s):
- Traditionally, the student representatives are the Government President (SFAC chair), IRA Chair, MSFT Chair, ASI Chair, and 2 students at-large.
Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)(No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The SHAC serves in an advisory capacity to the Student Health and Counseling Center. In that role, SHAC helps identify student health needs, which in turn, allow the committee to make recommendations regarding the scope and delivery of services. In addition, SHAC will make direct proposals to the Vice President for Student Affairs on the adjustments to the Student Health Services fee and the Health Facility fee. Learn more about the SHAC.
Meeting information:
SHAC meets twice per academic year (once per semester) based on members availability.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 4
- Special requirement(s): Preference given to Health Peer Educators
Sustainability Working Group (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The Sustainability Working Group brings together representatives from diverse areas of campus to advance sustainability initiatives at 海角社区CI. Learn more about the Sustainability Working Group.
Meeting information:
- Meetings dates and times are to be determined but the committee typically meets twice per semester.
- This is an active working group that requests members to participate in subcommittee work outside of working group meetings.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 4
- Special requirement(s):
- 1 Student Government representative (senator for sustainability) and 3 students at-large.
- The group is looking for students who are sustainability/ecologically-minded; want to be involved in shaping sustainability on campus; and want to contribute to the development of a Climate Action Plan for CI.
University Auxiliary Services (UAS) Board of Directors (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The Board of Directors (BOD) is the governing body for UAS, which provides to the campus community a variety of high quality services in a fiscally responsible way that complement and enhance the educational mission of the University. Included in those services are the Freudian Sip coffee shops, Lighthouse Caf茅, Sea Store, Islands Caf茅, and catering services. .
Meeting information:
The Board meets quarterly, traditionally on a Thursday for one hour (11a.m-noon).
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s):
- Student should have a passion for making our campus better with an emphasis on food; Subsets of this include affordability, sustainability, reducing food insecurity, building partnerships across campus; A willingness to share their perspective and insight
- Presidential Appointment
University Police Advisory Council (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The purpose of this committee is to serve as a means to strengthen relationships between the police and the campus community, as well as to promote transparency and accountability for the University Police Department. Learn more about the University Policy Advisory Council.
Meeting information:
Meetings are to be determined but mostly twice per semester for one hour each.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s):
- Must be a Student Government Representative
Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA) Student Advisory Board (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The VPSA Student Advisory Board is charged with providing deliberate input regarding out-of-classroom experiences, thoughts, ideas, concerns, and suggestions on ways to improve student success and student life, with an emphasis on minoritized, underserved and underrepresented students. For additional information, please visit the Vice President for Student Affairs Student Advisory Board website.
Meeting information:
- The Board meets monthly. Meeting dates are to be determined.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): Varies based on student interest and needs of the Board; generally between 10-15 students.
- Special requirement(s):
- Candidates must be well-informed on student issues at the University; demonstrate a commitment to student interests; and a willingness to work with campus leadership to enhance the student experience.
Writing & Multiliteracy Center Student Advisory Board (WMCSAB) (No Vacancies)
What does the committee do?
The purpose of the Writing and Multiliteracy Center Student Advisory Board (WMCSAB) is to provide the WMC with feedback on programming and services offered at the WMC. This board aims to include students of diverse backgrounds, who could identify student needs on campus and offer suggestions for innovative programming.
Meeting information:
Monthly meetings during the semester, starting in the spring. Meetings dates are to be determine but meetings will most likely will take place on a Monday afternoon. Learn more about the WMC.
Student representative appointment position information:
- Number of student representative(s): 1
- Special requirement(s): None