
If this is an immediate/life threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room or urgent care.

If you would like to speak to a mental health clinician immediately, please call 855-854-1747 (24/7 campus hotline) or text or call 988 for the national crisis support line. You can also call CAPS at 805-437-2088 for a crisis appointment. If you鈥檝e reached the CAPS voicemail by dialing 805-437-2088, and you would like to speak to a clinician immediately, please press 2. 

Si se trata de una emergencia inmediata o que pone en peligro la vida, llame al 911 o vaya a la sala de emergencias o atenci贸n de urgencia m谩s cercana.

Si ha sufrido una agresi贸n sexual y le gustar铆a hablar con un m茅dico de salud mental de inmediato, llame a la l铆nea directa biling眉e de apoyo a la agresi贸n sexual, disponible las 24 horas, los 7 d铆as de la semana, a trav茅s de la Coalition for Family Harmony: 800-300-2181

What to Do if You or Someone You Know is in Crisis

  • Please stop by CAPS in BTE 1867 or call their direct line at 805-437-2088 to make an urgent care appointment. Urgent care appointments are available Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please let front desk staff know you need to be seen the same day.

    If you would like someone to help you get connected with CAPS, please contact our office: by phone (805)437-2077, by email titleix@csuci.edu, or by visiting us on the first floor of Lindero Hall. A map to our office can be found on the Contact Us page. 

  • You can speak with a clinician immediately through CAPS, by calling the 24/7 line at 855-854-1747 for crisis support at any time.

  • As our Campus Advocate at 海角社区CI, Ana Tougas supports survivors of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Please contact her to schedule an appointment, or our office can help you connect with her if you prefer.

    Location: Bell Tower East 1867
    Campus Office: 805-437-1677
    Phone: 805-796-4844
    Email (Campus Advocate): campusadvocate@csuci.edu
    Email (Ana Tougas): ana.tougas@csuci.edu
    Visit Campus Advocate  page

    • If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text "hello" 988. Students of color can text 鈥淪teve鈥 to 988.
    • 24/7 bilingual sexual assault support (Coalition for Family Harmony): 800-300-2181
    • Ventura County Behavioral Health Crisis and Referral Line: 866-998-2243
    • National Suicide Hotline: 800-784-2433 or 800-273-8255
    • Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860
  • When you , our office reaches out to whoever is indicated in your report as needing help. The person is not required to respond or meet with us. If you prefer, you can also: 

    E-mail us: titleix@csuci.edu 

    Call us: (805)437-2077 or (805)312-6759

    Text us: (805)312-6759 

    For more information about what happens when a report is made to our office, check out our What to Expect page.


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