Here is a reference to the latest version of the policies our office follows when addressing the reports that we receive:
Clery Act: The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act for short) became federal law in 1990. It is considered a consumer protection law that focuses on transparency around campus crime policy and statistics. We hope this creates a more transparent culture, fostering trust of prospective families and ensuring an environment that encourages students’ academic and emotional security. For more information on the Clery Act and resources:
Responsible Employees: With the exception of confidential advocates and counselors, all faculty and staff are as responsible employees who have the duty to report sexual harassment (including rape, sexual battery, prostituting or trafficking of another person, non-consensual pornography, and other forms of sexual violence) to an appropriate school official (i.e., the Title IX Coordinator). Responsible employees are required to report all incidents that are connected to educational programs and activities, both on and off-campus. They are also required to report incidents that are not connected to educational programs and activities, if the incident could contribute to a hostile educational environment or otherwise interfere with a student’s access to education. For more information about Resposible Employees, their duties, and how to fulfill them, please visit our Resource Library and check under "For Employees".
Rights and Options
Understanding your rights and the options available to you is a critical step in ensuring that your voice is heard and respected. Here you can access our Title IX Rights and Options document, which outlines the protections, reporting procedures, and resources available to you. This information is also contained across our What to Expect and Frequently Asked Questions pages.
Your safety and well-being matter to us. Explore your rights and options today.