Please refer to the below menus for on-campus resources and their contact information, based on whether the person in need of assistance is a student or an employee of the 海角社区.
For Students
Please contact our office if there are any resources that you cannot find here, and would like assistance connecting with.
Confidential Resources On-Campus
Ana Tougas Confidential Advocate; Coalition for Family Harmony
Our Campus Advocate supports survivors of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Please contact Ana Tougas to schedule an appointment.
Location: Bell Tower East 1867
Campus Office: 805-437-1677
Phone: 805-796-4844
Email (Campus Advocate):
Email (Ana Tougas):
Visit Campus Advocate pageCAPS (Counseling & Psychological Services)
Location: Bell Tower East 1867
Phone: 805-437-2088
Visit Caps pageStudent Health Services
Hours: M-Th 9:00am-5:00pm; F 9:00am-1:00pm
Location: Yuba Hall
Phone: 805-437-8828
Visit Student Health pageNon-Confidential Resources On-Campus
Erica Moorer Taylor
Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 805-437-2077
Email: erica.taylor@csuci.eduOffice of Title IX & Inclusion
Location: Lindero Hall
Phone: 805-437-2077
Email: titleix@csuci.eduStudent Conduct Office
Student conduct issues, CARE reports, incident reports
Phone: 805-437-8512
Email: studentconduct@csuci.eduInclusive Student Services
Academic support, workshops, training, educational resources, one-on-one support
Kem French
Phone: 805-437-8407
Email: kem.french@csuci.eduUnderrepresented Student Initiatives
Resources for undocumented students, free immigration legal services
Kem French
Phone: 805-437-8407
Email: kem.french@csuci.eduLaw Enforcement Resources
海角社区CI UPD
Placer Hall
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency Dispatch: 805-437-8444
Email: police@csuci.eduVentura County Sheriff鈥檚 Department
Local law enforcement (Camarillo Patrol Station)
Address: 3701 E. Las Posas Road
Location: Camarillo, CA 93010
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency/Report a crime: 805-654-9511Community, Local, & Global Resources
Ventura County Family Justice Center
Emergency assistance, safety services, shelter/housing assistance, civil legal services, mental health services, career guidance, financial counseling, education, child development, survivor advocacy for those who have experienced intimate partner violence, domestic violence,
sexual assault, trafficking, child or elder abuse.
Hours: Mon-Fri 8a 鈥 5p
Phone: 805-652-7655
Email: vcfjc@ventura.orgVentura County Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
Crisis intervention services
Phone: (805) 383-4806;
Visit pageSafe Harbor - Ventura, CA
Services and resources for those who have experienced sexual assault
Phone: 805-641-4430Coalition for Family Harmony
Crisis counseling and intervention, needs assessment, emergency shelter, assistance with restraining orders and linkage to appropriate community resources as well as counseling services for survivors of sexual assault and nonoffending care givers and a 24-hour bilingual hotline.
Hotline: 1-800-300-2181
Visit pageOffice of Civil Rights (OCR)
Review of discrimination, harassment and retaliation complaints.
Phone: (800) 421-3481
Email: ocr@ed.govIf you wish to fill out a complaint form online with the OCR, you may do so at:
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network)
National network supporting victims/survivors of sexual assault
and abuse. 24/7 free and confidential hotline and chat services.
Phone: (800) 656-4673
Visit pageU.S. Department of State 鈥 Office of Overseas Citizens Services
Assist victims/survivors who are overseas with local and/or US-based
resources for victims of crime, including local legal representation.
From the US or Canada: 1-(888)-407-4747
From overseas: +1-(202)-501-4444
Visit page -
The safety and well-being of our campus community is a priority for 海角社区 Channel Islands. We are committed to creating and sustaining an educational and working environment free of sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating or domestic violence, and stalking. Thank you for your patience as we adapt the more detailed aspects of this page to a newly updated policy. In the interim, if you have any questions about the Rights and Options we offer, please refer to our FA section in addition to our 鈥淲hat to Expect鈥, 鈥淲hat We Handle鈥, and 鈥淎bout Us鈥 sections.
You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect while seeking and/or receiving support and resources, exploring and/or exercising reporting options, and participating in any formal or alternative administrative complaint resolution process under the 海角社区 Nondiscrimination Policy.
When a report is made to our office, we either reach out to you (if you are reporting for yourself) or if you are reporting on behalf of someone else, we will reach out to that person and offer an optional meeting. In this e-mail, we include the below document and the .
2024 Rights and Options (, 295KB)
Our office supports the diverse needs of students who come through our office through interim support measures, which must be related to an ongoing Title IX matter:
- Mutual No-Contact Orders
- Housing assignment changes
- Academic accommodation requests
- And more, based on the needs of the individuals involved.
For Employees/Faculty/Staff
It is all our duty to create a safe and inclusive 海角社区CI community. One way we do this by upholding our Responsible Employee Duties.
Here is our suggested syllabus language regarding our office, as well as your role as a Responsible Employee:
All faculty and staff at the University are considered which means that if you tell me about a situation involving incidents of sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination, protected class harassment, and or discrimination, I must report the matter to the Title IX & Inclusion Office. Although I am required to make that report, you are in control of whether or not you wish to pursue a formal complaint under one of the University鈥檚 grievance procedures outlined in the . Our goal is to ensure you are aware of the range of reporting options available to you and have access to the support and resources you need. For more information about your reporting options, support measures, and resources, please visit the Title IX & Inclusion Office website or review the Nondiscrimination Policy. If you wish to speak to someone confidentially (meaning not connecting with The Title IX & Inclusion Office), you can contact the following .To report an incident directly, you can:
- Report online at
- Email the Title IX & Inclusion office at
Please contact our office if there are any resources that you cannot find here, and would like assistance connecting with.
Confidential Resources On-Campus
LifeMatters (services provided through Empathia)
24-hour employee assistance program (mental health, workplace conflicts, financial and legal assistance, family support, etc.)
Phone: (800) 367-7474
Contact HR for assistance accessing services: 805-437-8490Non-Confidential Resources On-Campus
Erica Moorer Taylor
Title IX Coordinator
Phone: (805) 437-2077
Email: erica.taylor@csuci.eduOffice of Title IX & Inclusion
Location: Lindero Hall
Phone: (805) 437-2077
Email: titleix@csuci.eduHuman Resources Office
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Location: Lindero Hall 1804
Phone: (805) 437-8490Law Enforcement Resources
海角社区CI UPD
Location: Placer Hall
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency Dispatch: (805) 437-8444
Email: police@csuci.eduVentura County Sheriff鈥檚 Department
Local law enforcement (Camarillo Patrol Station)
Address: 3701 E. Las Posas Road
Location: Camarillo, CA 93010
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency/Report a crime: 805-654-9511Community, Local, & Global Resources
Ventura County Family Justice Center
Emergency assistance, safety services, shelter/housing assistance, civil legal services, mental health services, career guidance, financial counseling, education, child development, survivor advocacy for those who have experienced intimate partner violence, domestic violence,
sexual assault, trafficking, child or elder abuse.
Hours: Mon-Fri 8a 鈥 5p
Phone: (805) 652-7655
Email: vcfjc@ventura.orgVentura County Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
Crisis intervention services
Phone: (805) 383-4806
Visit pageSafe Harbor - Ventura, CA
Services and resources for those who have experienced sexual assault
Phone: (805) 641-4430Coalition for Family Harmony
Crisis counseling and intervention, needs assessment, emergency shelter, assistance with restraining orders and linkage to appropriate community resources as well as counseling services for survivors of sexual assault and nonoffending care givers and a 24-hour bilingual hotline.
24/7/365 Hotline:
Phone: (800) 300-2181
Visit pageOffice of Civil Rights (OCR)
Review of discrimination, harassment and retaliation complaints.
Phone: (800) 421-3481
Email: ocr@ed.govIf you wish to fill out a complaint form online with the OCR, you may do so at:
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network)
National network supporting victims/survivors of sexual assault
and abuse. 24/7 free and confidential hotline and chat services.
Phone: (800) 656-4673
Visit pageU.S. Department of State 鈥 Office of Overseas Citizens Services
Assist victims/survivors who are overseas with local and/or US-based
resources for victims of crime, including local legal representation.
From the US or Canada: (888) 407-4747
From overseas: (202) 501-4444
Visit -
The safety and well-being of our campus community is a priority for 海角社区 Channel Islands. We are committed to creating and sustaining an educational and working environment free of sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating or domestic violence, and stalking. Thank you for your patience as we adapt the more detailed aspects of this page to a newly updated policy. In the interim, if you have any questions about the Rights and Options we offer, please refer to our FAQ section in addition to our 鈥淲hat to Expect鈥, 鈥淲hat We Handle鈥, and 鈥淎bout Us鈥 sections.
You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect while seeking and/or receiving support and resources, exploring and/or exercising reporting options, and participating in any formal or informal administrative complaint resolution process under the 海角社区 Nondiscrimination Policy.
When a report is made to our office, we either reach out to you (if you are reporting for yourself) or if you are reporting on behalf of someone else, we will reach out to that person and offer an optional meeting. In this e-mail, we include the below document and the .
2024 Rights and Options (, 295KB)
A faculty or staff member is often the first person at the 海角社区CI a student will tell if they have experienced any discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault or sexual misconduct. As faculty and staff, we know you are committed to supporting our students to the best of your ability. The following resources and information can help you as you help our students.
who knows or has reason to know of incidents that may violate this Nondiscrimination Policy has a duty to promptly report to the Title IX Coordinator/Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation ("DHR") Administrator, who are the campus officials designated to receive these reports. These Employees are known as Responsible Employees and are required to disclose all information available, including the names of the Parties involved, even where the person has requested anonymity.
Except as required by law (see below for exceptions), the following Employees generally do not have a duty to report to the Title IX Coordinator/DHR Administrator:
- Physicians; psychotherapists; professional licensed counselors; licensed clinical social workers, and clergy who work on or off campus, acting solely in those roles or capacities as part of their employment, in the provision of medical or mental health treatment or counseling (and those who act under their supervision, including all individuals who work or volunteer in these centers and offices).
- Sexual assault and domestic violence counselors and advocates who work or volunteer on or off campus in sexual assault centers, victim advocacy offices, women's centers, and health centers and who are acting solely in that role (including those who act in that role under their supervision, along with non-professional counselors or advocates who work or volunteer in sexual assault centers, victim advocacy offices, women's centers, gender equity centers, or health centers) in the provision of counseling or advocacy services.
- A 海角社区 union representative is not required to report a possible violation of this Nondiscrimination Policy if the information is provided to the union representative, acting in that role, in a confidential setting by a union member seeking advice about a possible violation or representation in a matter within the scope of representation. However, 海角社区 union representatives are strongly encouraged to report the information to the Title IX Coordinator/DHR Administrator.
EXCEPTIONS: Under California law, any health practitioner employed in a health facility, clinic, physician's office, or local or state public health department or clinic is required to make a report to local law enforcement if he or she provides medical services for a physical condition to a person who he or she knows or reasonably suspects is suffering from: (1) a wound or physical injury inflicted by a firearm; or (2) any wound or other physical injury where the injury is the result of assaultive or abusive conduct (including Rape, Sexual Assault, and Dating and Domestic Violence). This exception does not apply to sexual assault and domestic violence counselors and advocates. Health care practitioners should explain this limited exception, if applicable.
Additionally, under California law, all professionals described above (physicians, psychotherapists, professional counselors, clergy, and sexual assault and domestic violence counselors and advocates) are mandatory child abuse and neglect reporters and are required to report incidents involving victims under 18 years of age to local law enforcement. These professionals will explain this limited exception, if applicable.
Finally, some or all of these professionals may also have reporting obligations under California law to: (1) local law enforcement in cases involving threats of immediate or imminent harm to self or others where disclosure of the information is necessary to prevent the threatened danger; or (2) to the court if compelled by court order or subpoena in a criminal proceeding related to Sexual Misconduct, Dating or Domestic Violence, or Stalking. If applicable, these professionals will explain this limited exception.
- Listen to the person disclosing.
- Listen without judgment and offer support.
- Let them know you have to notify Title IX, but it is up to them to choose which options are best for them once the office reaches out.
- Remind them about your reporting duties, if possible.
- Disclose that you are a Responsible Employee with a reporting obligation, before they begin to go into detail, if possible.
- This is to provide as much autonomy as possible to the person affected.
- Ask them only safety questions.
- If you do need to ask questions, please only ask things pertaining to safety such as 鈥渁re you safe at home鈥 or 鈥渄o you need medical attention鈥.
- Avoid any questions that imply fault.
- Make a report to the Title IX & Inclusion office.
- Please share all available details so we can offer resources to anyone affected.
- Making a report to our office online, by phone, or by e-mail fulfills your mandatory duties as a Responsible Employee.
- Listen to the person disclosing.
Anytime a disclosure is made during a personal discussion with you (before/after class, in your office hours, outside of class, when leading a trip, etc.) regarding potential sexual discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct, you have an obligation to report. To report, all you need to do is contact the Title IX & Inclusion Office with the information that you know about the incident.
You never should act as an investigator to gain more information that what was shared with you. The Title IX & Inclusion Office will manage the follow-up with the individual through the Title IX process.
You are required to share all information that was shared with you when you report/connect to the Title IX & Inclusion Office including:
- Name(s) of individual involved
- Date and time (if available)
- Location of incident (if available)
- Description of what was shared
We support employees who have experienced a violation of the Nondiscrimination Policy as well as the campus community at large through implementing support measures, providing appropriate referrals, investigating concerns, and prevention education.