Programs Offered
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics with an Emphasis in Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics with an Emphasis in Physical Sciences
- Minor in Applied Physics
Applied physics is the interface between science and technology, between the laboratory and industrial practice. It applies the concepts and models of physics to practical technological applications. Applied physics is essentially an interdisciplinary undertaking, interacting with mathematics, computer science, engineering, the life sciences, medicine and other disciplines. Applied physicists use their understanding and skills at the new scientific and technological frontiers that are developing rapidly at the interface between more traditional disciplines, e.g. biophysics, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, materials science, and medical imaging. They have the flexibility to adapt to changing technological requirements and the ability to make meaningful contributions to modern, interdisciplinary investigations.
Graduates from the Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics will receive an excellent preparation for securing professional employment in industry or in the public sector.
The Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics with an Emphasis in Technology is designed to produce graduates with strong problem-solving, technical, industrial and management skills. This will enable them to obtain professional employment on graduation in research and development in industry or in the public sector in, for example, electronics, semiconductors, medical technology and telecommunications. Through appropriate selection of electives, students can concentrate on selected areas within applied physics and pursue further study in graduate or professional schools, for example in Experimental Physics, Computer Engineering, Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, or Medical Physics.
The Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics with an Emphasis in Physical Sciences is designed to provide students with a broad foundation in applied physics as part of a liberal education in the sciences. The program is particularly appropriate for students interested in such careers as teaching, public service, business, scientific equipment sales or science journalism. It can serve as the depth and breadth of study necessary for securing a single Subject credential in Science for teaching at the high school and middle school level.
The Applied Physics Minor provides non-majors with the background in science and technology that is needed to pursue a career or graduate study in an interdisciplinary field. Students majoring in Mathematics or Computer Science, in particular, should consider obtaining an Applied Physics minor because of the considerable overlap with these fields.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students graduating from the Applied Physics program will be able to:
- Explain the fundamental concepts of physics;
- Analyze and solve problems by applying information in a novel context;
- Formulate hypotheses and devise and perform experiments to test hypotheses as individuals and in a team;
- Apply current technology and scientific methodologies to analyze and solve problems in various scientific, professional and community settings;
- Use and critically evaluate current technical/scientific research literature, online information, and information related to scientific issues in the mass media;
- Communicate in written and oral forms key concepts in physics and general scientific issues with interested citizens and professionals;
- Work co-operatively as part of a research team;
- Learn independently and maintain life-long learning in the sciences and technology.
Geoff Dougherty, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
Academic Advisor for the Applied Physics Program
Bell Tower West, Room 2125
Phone: 805-437-8890;
Fax: 805-437-2765
Gregory Wood, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Bell Tower West, Room 2295
Phone: 805-437-3293;
Fax: 805-437-2765
Simone Aloisio, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Academic Advisor for the Chemistry Program
Aliso Hall, Room 207
Phone: 805-437-8999
Andrzej (AJ) Bieszczad, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Bell Tower West, Room 2285
Phone: 805-437-2773
Jorge Garcia, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Bell Tower West, Room 2219
Phone: 805-437-2769
Ivona Grzegorczyk, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
Bell Tower West, Room 2275
Phone: 805-437-8868
Contact Information
Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Physics with an Emphasis in Technology (120 units)
Lower Division Requirements (31-32 units)
PHYS 106 Applied Physics and Modern Society (3)
PHYS 200* General Physics I (4)
PHYS 201 General Physics II (4)
MATH 150* Calculus I (4)
MATH 151 Calculus II (4)
MATH 230* Logic and Mathematical Reasoning (3)
MATH 240 Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 250 Calculus III (3)
Select either:
COMP 105* Introduction to Computer Science (3)
COMP 150* Object-Oriented Programming (4)
* May be double-counted toward GE Requirements
Upper Division Requirements (37 units)
PHYS 304 Electromagnetism (4)
PHYS 306 Modern Physics (3)
PHYS 310 Electronics (4)
PHYS 335* Physics of Music (PAMU) (3)
PHYS 338* Science and Conscience (ENGL) (3)
PHYS 345 Digital Image Processing (COMP/ MATH) (3)
PHYS 406 Solid State Physics (3)
PHYS 434* Introduction to Biomedical Imaging (BIOL/HLTH) (4)
PHYS 448 Team-Based Research (3)
PHYS 499 Senior Colloquium (1)
MATH 350 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (3)
Select three units from the following (any combination):
PHYS 492 Internship (3)
PHYS 494 Independent Research (1-3)
PHYS 497 Directed Studies (1-3)
* May be double-counted toward GE Requirements
Electives in the Major (9-10 units)
Select 9-10 units from the following:
PHYS 445 Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition (COMP/MATH) (3)
PHYS 464 Medical Instrumentation (BIOL) (4)
PHYS 490 Topics in Applied Physics (3)
PHYS 492 Internship (3) (if not taken as a required course)
PHYS 494†Independent Research (1-3)
PHYS 497†Directed Studies (1-3)
MATH 352 Probability and Statistics (3)
MATH 448 Scientific Computing (3)
MATH 450 Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics (3)
MATH 451 Complex Analysis (3)
PHYS 301‡ Classical Mechanics (3)
PHYS 305‡ Thermal and Statistical Physics (3)
PHYS 401‡ Quantum Mechanics (3)
†Cannot exceed a total of 3 units, when added to units taken within the upper division requirements
‡ Courses offered to students interested in taking the GRE exam for graduate school
Required Supporting and Other GE Courses (42 units)
American Institutions Requirement (6)
Other Courses in GE Categories A-E (27)
Electives in Any Discipline (9)
Proposed Course of Study for the Technology Emphasis
Freshman Year (29-30 units)
PHYS 106 Applied Physics and Modern Society (3)
MATH 150* Calculus I (4)
MATH 151 Calculus II (4)
COMP 150* Object–Oriented Programming (4) (or COMP 105* Computer Programming Intro 3)
American Institutions Requirement (6)
Other GE (9)
Sophomore Year (29 units)
PHYS 200* Gen Physics I (4)
PHYS 201 Gen Physics II (4)
MATH 230* Logic and Mathematical Reasoning (3)
MATH 240 Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 250 Calculus III (3)
Other GE (12)
Junior Year (32 units)
PHYS 304 Electromagnetism (4)
PHYS 306 Modern Physics (3)
PHYS 310 Electronics (4)
PHYS 335* Physics of Music (PAMU) (3)
PHYS 338* Science and Conscience (ENGL) (3)
PHYS 345 Digital Image Processing (COMP/MATH) (3)
University Elective (6)
Other GE (3)
Senior Year (29-30 units)
PHYS 406 Solid State Physics (3)
PHYS 434* Intro to Biomedical Imaging (BIOL/HLTH) (4)
PHYS 448 Team-Based Research (3)
PHYS 492, 494 or 497 (3)
PHYS 499 Senior Colloquium (1)
MATH 350 Differential Equations (3)
Applied Physics Elective (9-10)
University Electives (3)
* May be double-counted toward GE Requirements
Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Physics with an Emphasis in Physical Sciences (120 units)
Lower Division Requirements (32-33 units)
PHYS 106 Applied Physics and Modern Society (3)
PHYS 200* General Physics I (4)
PHYS 201 General Physics II (4)
MATH 150* Calculus I (4)
MATH 151 Calculus II (4)
CHEM 105 Introduction to Chemistry (3)
Select either:
PHYS 208 Physics of Art and Visual Perception (ART) (3)
PHSC 170 Foundations in Physical Science (4) (required for teachers)
Select either:
BIOL 100* Exploring the Living World (4)
BIOL 170* Foundations of Life Science (4) (required for teachers)
Select either:
COMP 102* Web Development (3)
COMP 105* Introduction to Computer Science (3)
* May be double-counted toward GE Requirements
Upper Division Requirements (30 units)
PHYS 304 Electromagnetism (4)
PHYS 306 Modern Physics (3)
PHYS 335* Physics of Music (PAMU) (3)
PHYS 338* Science and Conscience (ENGL) (3)
PHYS 344 Energy and Society (3)
PHYS 434* Introduction to Biomedical Imaging (BIOL/HLTH) (4)
PHYS 448 Team-Based Research (3)
PHYS 499 Senior Colloquium (1)
MGT 325 Entrepreneurial Management (3)
Select three units taken from the following (any combination)
PHYS 492 Internship (3) (required for teachers)
PHYS 494 Independent Research (1-3)
PHYS 497 Directed Studies (1-3)
* May be double-counted toward GE Requirements
Electives in the Major (15-16 units)
Chosen with advisor’s approval
PHYS 310 Electronics (4)
PHYS 345 Digital Image Processing (COMP/MATH) (3)
PHYS 436 Physics of the Performing Arts (PA) (3)
PHYS 445 Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition (COMP/MATH) (3)
PHYS 464 Medical Instrumentation (4)
PHYS 490 Topics in Applied Physics (3)
PHYS 492 Internship (3) (if not taken as a required course)
PHYS 494†Independent Research (1-3)
PHYS 497†Directed Studies (1-3)
EDUC 330†Teaching in Secondary Schools (3)
MATH 240 Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 250 Calculus III (3)
MATH 350 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (3)
MATH 352 Probability and Statistics (3)
MATH 448 Scientific Computing (3)
MATH 450 Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics (3)
MATH 451 Complex Analysis (3)
†Cannot exceed a total of 3 units, when added to units taken within the upper division requirements
†Recommended for Teachers
Required Supporting and Other GE Courses (42 units)
American Institutions Requirement (6)
Other courses in GE categories A-E (27)
Electives in Any Discipline (9)
Proposed Course of Study for the Physical Sciences Emphasis:
Freshman Year (30 units)
PHYS 106 Applied Physics and Modern Society (3)
MATH 150* Calculus I (4)
MATH 151 Calculus II (4)
CHEM 105 Introduction To Chemistry (3)
BIOL 100* Exploring the Living World (4) (or BIOL 170* Foundations of Life Science 4)
American Institutions Requirements (6)
Other GE (Including ENGL 105) (6)
Sophomore Year (29-30 units)
PHYS 200* General Physics I (4)
PHYS 201 General Physics II (4)
COMP 105* Computer Programming Intro (3) (or COMP 102* Web Development (3)
PHYS 208 Physics of Art and Visual Perception (ART) (3) (or PHSC 170 Foundations in Physical Sciences 4)
Other GE (15)
Junior Year (31-32 units)
PHYS 304 Electromagnetism (4)
PHYS 335* Physics of Music (PAMU) (3)
PHYS 338* Science and Conscience (ENGL) (3)
PHYS 344 Energy and Society (CHEM) (3)
MGT 325 Entrepreneurial Management (3)
Applied Physics Electives (6-7)
University Electives (6)
Senior Year (29 units)
PHYS 306 Modern Physics (3)
PHYS 434* Intro to Biomedical Imaging (BIOL/HLTH) (4)
PHYS 448 Team-Based Research (3)
PHYS 492, 494 or 497 (3)
PHYS 499 Senior Colloquium (1)
Applied Physics Electives (9)
University Electives (3)
Other GE (3)
* May be double-counted toward GE Requirements
Note to Students: Courses with an asterisk (*) will double count with general education (GE) requirements. Only two upper division interdisciplinary GE major courses (numbered 330-249 and 440-449 may be used towards the upper division major GE requirement. The third course must come from outside the major.
Requirements for the Minor in Applied Physics (25 units)
Applied physics focuses on the hi-tech applications of physics, and on developing technological skills. It applies a thorough analytic understanding of the principles to the complexities of real applications at the frontiers of science and technology, e.g. in imaging and computer vision, electronic instrumentation, and biomedical engineering. The Applied Physics Minor will equip you with the solid cross-disciplinary background that is highly valued by industry and academia.
The program gives you the opportunity to explore selected area(s) in greater depth, thus providing you with the depth and flexibility to explore a wide variety of career opportunities, including graduate study, medical school, teaching, imaging science, instrumentation, investments and technical management.
Geoff Dougherty, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
Academic Advisor for the Applied Physics Program
Bell Tower West, Room 2125
Phone: 805-437-8890; Fax: 805-437-2765
Gregory Wood, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Bell Tower West, Room 2295
Phone: 805-437-3293; Fax: 805-437-2765
Contact Information
Lower Division Requirements (12 units)
MATH 150 Calculus I (4)
PHYS 200 General Physics I (4)
PHYS 201 General Physics II (4)
Upper Division Requirements (30 units)
- Applied Physics (10-11 units)
PHYS 345 Digital Image Processing (MATH/COMP) (3)
PHYS 434 Introduction to Biomedical Imaging (BIOL/HLTH) (4)
Select either:
PHYS 445 Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition (MATH/COMP) (3)
PHYS 464 Medical Instrumentation (BIOL) (4) - Applied Physics Electives (2-3 units)
Choose from:
PHYS 490 Topics in Physics (3)
PHYS 492 Internship (3)
PHYS 494 Independent Research (1-3)
PHYS 497 Directed Studies (1-3)
PHYS 499 Senior Colloquium (1)