
Programs Offered

• Minor in Global Studies

This interdisciplinary minor will provide students in any major the opportunity to develop their knowledge of the world and the major contemporary issues confronting humanity. Students in this minor will receive a foundation in global studies and an introduction into the various implications of globalization. By choosing electives across discipline areas, students will gain an interdisciplinary perspective into various global issues.

Faculty Coordinator

Terry Ballman, Ph.D.
Professor of Spanish
Bell Tower West, Room 1245

Marie Francois, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History
Sage Hall, Room 2141

Andrea Grove, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Sage Hall, Room 2147

Elizabeth Hartung, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
Sage Hall, Room 2043

Antonio Jiménez- Jiménez, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Spanish
Bell Tower West, Room 1275

Stephen Stratton, MLS
Professor of Library Services
Bell Tower, Room 1371

Paul Rivera, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Economics
Sage Hall, Room 2135

Requirements for the Minor in Global Studies (19-37 units)

Lower Division Requirements (6 units)

Core Courses:

GLST 200 Introduction to Global Studies (3)

Select either:
GEOG 201 Cultural and Historical Geography of the World (3)
POLS 103 Introduction to International Politics (3)

Upper Division Requirements (12 units)

Twelve units required from a minimum of two (2) discipline areas. Only one 3-unit course from a student’s major may count toward the minor. The student must choose into which discipline area a cross-listed course would count (e.g., BUS/ECON/SOC 448 Sociology of Globalization and Development as either a Business and Economics discipline area course, or a Social Sciences discipline area course).

Discipline Areas

Art and Communication

ART 330 Critical Thinking in a Visual World (3)*
ART 332 Multicultural Art Movements (3)*
COMM 321 Cultural Conversations (3)*

Business and Economics

BUS 331 Biotechnology in the Twenty-First Century (BIOL) (3)*
BUS 448 Globalization and Development (ECON/ SOC) (3)*
ECON 336 Global Cities (ESRM/GLST/ HIST/ POLS/SOC (3)
ECON 370 The World Economy (3)
ECON 471 International Trade (3)
ECON 473 Development Economics (3)
MGT 310 Management of International Business (3)
MKT 410 International Marketing Management (3)

Languages and Literatures

ENGL 325 Major Non-Western Authors (3)
ENGL 351 African/African-American Literature (3)*
ENGL 352 Asian/Asian-American Literature (3)*
ENGL 353 Hispanic/Hispanic-American Literature (3)*
SPAN 301 Advanced Spanish: Part One (3)*
SPAN 302 Advanced Spanish: Part Two (3)*
SPAN 411 Civilizations and Cultures of Latin America (3)
SPAN 461 Masterpieces of Latin American Literature (3)


BIOL 331 Biotechnology in the Twenty-First Century (BUS) (3)*
BIOL 333 Emerging Public Health Issues (3)*
BIOL 335 The Biosphere (3)*
BIOL 433 Ecology and the Environment (3)*
CHEM 301 Environmental Chemistry (3)
ESRM 332 Human Ecology (ANTH) (3)*

Social Sciences

ANTH 332 Human Ecology (ESRM) (3)*
ANTH 442 The African Diaspora (HIST) (3)*
HIST 310 History of the Mediterranean (3)
HIST 320 European History, 1945-Present (3)
HIST 361 History of Modern Latin America (3)*
HIST 365 Themes in World History (3)*
HIST 366 Oceans of World History (3)
HIST 396 East Asia: Then and Now (3)
HIST 413 World Religions and Classical Philosophy (3)*
HIST 415 Society and Radicalism (3)
POLS 327 International Relations of Selected Areas (3)
POLS 328 United States Foreign Policy (3)*
POLS 329 International Law and Organizations (3)
POLS 403 Comparative Foreign Policies (3)
POLS 426 Politics of Developing Countries (3)
PSY 344 Psychology and Traditional Asian Thought (3)*
SOC 448 Globalization and Development (BUS/ ECON) (3)*

* General Education Courses

Co-Requisites (1-19)

  1. Language Requirement. Students need to successfully complete a second/foreign language requirement (e.g., the equivalent of the first four semesters or two years [intermediate level] in a language other than English), or demonstrate equivalent proficiency as approved by the º£½ÇÉçÇøCI languages faculty.

  2. Study Abroad Requirement. Students must successfully complete a minimum of one international study abroad experience (e.g., UNIV 392 [1--3 units], a º£½ÇÉçÇø International Program, or a study abroad program approved by a º£½ÇÉçÇøCI faculty advisor).
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