Programs offered
- Bachelor of Arts in English
- Bachelor of Arts in English with an Emphasis in Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in English with an Emphasis in Multicultural Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in English with an Emphasis in English Education Preparation, Pre-Credential
- Certificate in Technical Writing
- Minor in English
- Masters of Arts in English (pending approval by the Chancellors鈥 Office)
The 海角社区CI English Program explores the pleasures and significance of literature and writing in interdisciplinary, multicultural, international and civically engaged contexts. Our students and faculty members adopt various theoretical perspectives and methodologies, believing the possibilities for interpretive thinking, analysis, and effective expression thrive in an integrative atmosphere. The ability to read insightfully and write compellingly prepares graduates for further study or professional paths and readies them to take their places as well informed local and world citizens.
Foundation courses provide the tools for intellectual engagement. Interdisciplinary courses emphasize relationships with different ideas, approaches and ways of knowing. The required sequence provides in-depth investigation in a specialized field of Multicultural Literature, Writing or Education. In addition, the student may choose to pursue an emphasis in Creative Writing, Multicultural Literature, English Education Preparation, or a certificate in Technical Writing. English Majors keep a portfolio of work that is reviewed by instructors as a prerequisite to the Capstone course and culminating work for the degree.
The B.A. in English prepares students for graduate programs in English, Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Journalism, and Secondary Education. English majors, trained in logical thinking, interpretative reading, and effective writing also do very well on the LSAT exams for law schools. The major is excellent preparation for a variety of creative professions such as: editor for a publishing company, book agent, magazine editor, newspaper reporter, teacher of English abroad, freelance magazine writer, script reader, speech writer, advertising copy writer, and director of communications for businesses.
Program Learning Outcomes
The English program graduates will be able to:
- Express themselves effectively in writing and speech, including appropriate use of English grammar and usage conventions;
- Examine texts, issues or problems in the discipline from multiple perspectives (multicultural, interdisciplinary, international, experiential, theoretical and/or educational);
- Effectively use current scholarship in the field (literary analysis, linguistics studies, applied research, etc.);
- Analyze a range of texts, representative of genres, periods, ethnicities and genders;
- Articulate an understanding of relationships between the field of English and other disciplines; and
- Reflect substantively on their growth over time with an accurate perception of their performance in the program.
Jacquelyn Kilpatrick, Ph.D.
Professor of English and
Chair, English Program
Academic Advisor of English Program
Bell Tower West, Room 1235
Mary Adler, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English
Academic Advisor for English Education
Bell Tower West, Room 1295
Julia Bal茅n, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English
Bell Tower West, Room 1108
Bob Mayberry, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
Bell Tower West, Room 1141
Bradley Monsma, Ph.D
Professor of English
Bell Tower West, Room 1185
Joan Peters, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
Bell Tower West, Room 1225
Contact Information
Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in English (120 units)
Lower Division Requirements (12 units)
Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in English must have fulfilled the lower division writing requirement (at 海角社区CI, ENGL 103 or ENGL 105). In addition, the following 12 units of literature survey courses (or the equivalent) are required in preparation for upper division studies:
ENGL 120 American Literature I (3)
ENGL 150 British and European Literature I (3)
ENGL 220 American Literature II (3)
ENGL 250 British and European Literature II (3)
Upper Division Requirements (27 units)
The upper division English core is designed to provide students with a broad background in literature, solid foundations in theory and criticism, and experience in writing to learn.
ENGL 310 Research Methods (3)
ENGL 315 Introduction to Language Structure and Linguistics (3)
ENGL 330 Interdisciplinary Writing (3)
ENGL 349 Perspectives on Multicultural Literature (3)
ENGL 420 Literary Theory (3)
ENGL 499 Capstone Project/ Senior Seminar (3)
Select two of the following three courses:
ENGL 325 Major Non-Western Authors (3)
ENGL 326 Major British & European Authors (3)
ENGL 327 Major American Authors (3)
Select one of the following two courses:
ENGL 332 Teaching Dramatic Literature (PATH) (3)
ENGL 410 Shakespeare鈥檚 Plays (PATH) (3)
Required Sequence (6 units)
The sequence requirement allows students to explore an area of interest in more depth. Students choose one of the following sequences.
(Note that ENGL 349 is a required course and can double-count in Sequence A for both the core requirement and as half of the required sequence, with three units total credit given; students who elect this sequence will take three additional elective units.)
Sequence A
ENGL 349 Perspectives on Multicultural Literature (3)
Plus two of the following courses:
ENGL 350 Native American Literature (3)
ENGL 351 African/African American Literature (3)
ENGL 352 Asian/Asian American Literature (3)
ENGL 353 Chicana/o Hispanic/Hispanic American Literature (3)
Sequence B
ENGL 260 Perspectives in Creative Writing (3)
Plus one of the following courses:
ENGL 461 Fiction Writing (3)
ENGL 462 Poetry Writing (3)
ENGL 463 Writing for the Stage and Screen (3)
ENGL 464 Creative Non-Fiction (3)
Sequence C
ENGL 475 Language in Social Context (3)
Plus one of the following courses:
ENGL 477 Adolescent Literature (3)
ENGL 478 Writing as Reflective Practice (3)
Sequence D
ENGL 482 Technical Writing (3)
Plus one of the following courses:
ENGL 483 Technical Visual Communication (3)
ENGL 484 Technical Writing for the Sciences (3)
The Technical Writing sequence for English majors requires ENGL 482 and one other course in Technical Writing. However, unless undertaken as part of the sequence requirement, ENGL 482 is not a prerequisite for 483 or 484.
Electives: (6 units)
(Courses used to meet the major requirements above cannot be selected as electives)
ENGL 311 Bilingual Literary Studies/Estudios Literarios Biling眉es (SPAN) (3)
ENGL 325 Major Non-Western Authors (3)
ENGL 326 Major British and European Authors (3)
ENGL 327 Major American Authors (3)
ENGL 328 Mythology (3)
ENGL 331 Narratives of the Working Class (HIST/SOC/POLS) (3)
ENGL 332 Teaching Dramatic Literature (3)
ENGL 333 Multicultural Drama in Performance/Production (PATH) (3)
ENGL 334 Narratives of Southern California (HIST) (3)
ENGL 335 American Ethnic Images in Novels, Film and Art (ART/HIST) (3)
ENGL 336 Multicultural Literature and Communication (COMM) (3)
ENGL 337 Literature of the Environment (3)
ENGL 338 Science and Conscience (PHYS) (3)
ENGL 339 Psychology and Literature (PSY) (3)
ENGL 340 Business and Economics in American Literature (BUS/ECON) (3)
ENGL 350 Native American Literature (3)
ENGL 351 African/African American Literature (3)
ENGL 352 Asian/Asian American Literature (3)
ENGL 353 Chicana/o Hispanic/Hispanic American Literature (3)
ENGL 378 Contemporary Native American Authors: Telecourse (3)
ENGL 400 Contemporary Literature (3)
ENGL 410 Shakespeare鈥檚 Plays (3)
ENGL 412 Drama of Ancient Greece (PATH) (3)
ENGL 430 Tradition and Transformation: Literature, History & Cultural Change (HIST) (3)
ENGL 431 European Renaissance Literature & Art (ART) (3)
ENGL 432 Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (ART/PAMU) (3)
ENGL 433 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (GEND) (3)
ENGL 444 Original Practice in Renaissance Drama (PATH) (3)
ENGL 456 Women鈥檚 Fiction (3)
ENGL 461 Fiction Writing (3)
ENGL 462 Poetry Writing (3)
ENGL 463 Writing for the Stage and Screen (3)
ENGL 464 Creative Non-Fiction (3)
ENGL 474 Approaches to English Grammar (3)
ENGL 475 Language in Social Context (3)
ENGL 477 Adolescent Literature (3)
ENGL 478 Writing as Reflective Practice (3)
ENGL 482 Technical Writing (3)
ENGL 483 Technical Visual Communication (3)
ENGL 484 Technical Writing for the Sciences (3)
Required Supporting and Other GE Courses (69 units)
Electives (15)
American Institutions Requirement (6)
General Education (48)
Emphasis in Creative Writing (12 units)
The Creative Writing Emphasis gives the English major an opportunity to pursue different forms of creative writing. Generally, the student, in consultation with his or her Capstone professor, will focus on and deepen work in a chosen genre for the final Capstone course. In addition, the Creative Writing Project offers the student experience in editing and producing the 海角社区CI literary journal. Students taking the Creative Writing Emphasis much choose Sequence B, which will give them one of the upper division Creative Writing genre courses, plus all three other genre courses, giving them a total of 12 upper division Creative Writing course credits:
ENGL 461 Fiction Writing (3)
ENGL 462 Poetry Writing (3)
ENGL 463 Writing for the Stage and Screen (3)
ENGL 464 Creative Non-Fiction (3)
ENGL 465 Creative Writing Project (3)
Emphasis in Multicultural Literature (12 units)
The Multicultural Literature Emphasis gives the English major an opportunity to pursue his or her interests in studying the literature of various cultures and ethnic groups. The culmination of the emphasis is the Multicultural Literature project, which the student chooses in consultation with his or her advisor. The product of that course will be a completed work which addresses the literature (broadly defined as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama and film) in one of the following course areas. Students selecting this emphasis must choose Sequence A above plus nine units from the following:
ENGL 350 Native American Literature (3)
ENGL 351 African/African American Literature (3)
ENGL 352 Asian/Asian American Literature (3)
ENGL 353 Chicana/o Hispanic/Hispanic American Literature (3)
ENGL 454 Multicultural Literature Project/Seminar (3)
Emphasis in English Education, Precredential (18 units)
The English Education Emphasis gives the English major an opportunity to gain the coursework and experience necessary to pursue a teaching credential in English at the secondary level. This program is designed to substitute for the state subject examination and includes a portfolio requirement in lieu of the examination. Students selecting this emphasis must choose Sequence C above plus twelve units from the following:
ENGL 210 Themes in World Literature (3)
ENGL 474 Approaches to English Grammar (3)
ENGL 477 Adolescent Literature (3)
ENGL 478 Writing as Reflective Practice (3)
EDUC 330 Introduction to Secondary Schooling (3)
Plus the following required supporting course:
COMM 345 Media Literacy And Youth Culture (EDUC) (3)
Annual consultation with the English Education faculty advisor in English is required for students in this emphasis.
Requirements for the Certificate in Technical Writing (18 units)
(Open to All Students)
The Certificate in Technical Writing provides an opportunity for students from various disciplines to pursue interests in Technical Writing, and the certificate will prove valuable in a variety of career choices. The culmination of the certificate is the Project/Seminar course, which may be an internship or a project the student chooses in consultation with his or her advisor. Courses may not fulfill the 鈥渞equired sequence鈥 in the Literature and Writing major as well as count toward the certificate. The certificate requires each of the following:
ENGL 310 Research Methods (3)
ENGL 330 Interdisciplinary Writing (3)
ENGL 482 Technical Writing (3)
ENGL 483 Technical Visual Communication (3)
ENGL 484 Technical Writing for the Sciences (3)
ENGL 485 Technical Writing Project/Seminar (3)
Requirements for the Minor in English (24 units)
The English minor provides non-majors with the opportunity to explore literature and become more involved with the writing process. The English: Literature, Writing and Culture minor is an excellent addition to the baccalaureate degree for all majors. A minor in English requires a grade of C or better in each course.
Lower Division Requirements (12 units)
ENGL 120 American Literature I (3)
ENGL 150 British/European Literature I (3)
ENGL 220 American Literature II (3)
ENGL 250 British/European Literature II (3)
Upper Division Requirements (12 units)
ENGL 310 Research Methods (3)
ENGL 330 Interdisciplinary Writing (3)
Select one of the following courses:
ENGL 332 Teaching Dramatic Literature (3)
ENGL 410 Shakespeare鈥檚 Plays (3)
Electives (3 units)
Select one of the following courses:
(ENGL 332 or 410 may not be selected if completed as an Upper Division Requirement above)
ENGL 311 Bilingual Literary Studies/Estudios Literarios Biling眉es (3)
ENGL 315 Introduction to Language Structure and Linguistics (3)
ENGL 325 Major Non-Western Authors (3)
ENGL 326 Major British and European Authors (3)
ENGL 327 Major American Authors (3)
ENGL 328 Mythology (3)
ENGL 331 Narratives of the Working Class (3)
ENGL 332 Teaching Dramatic Literature (3)
ENGL 333 Multicultural Drama in Performance and Production (PATH) (3)
ENGL 334 Narratives of Southern California (3)
ENGL 335 American Ethnic Images in Novels, Film and Art (3)
ENGL 336 Multicultural Literature and Communication (3)
ENGL 337 Literature of the Environment (3)
ENGL 338 Science and Conscience (3)
ENGL 339 Psychology and Literature (3)
ENGL 340 Business and Economics in American Literature (3)
ENGL 349 Perspectives on Multicultural Literature (3)
ENGL 350 Native American Literature (3)
ENGL 351 African/African American Literature (3)
ENGL 352 Asian/Asian American Literature
(ENGL) (3)
ENGL 353 Chicana/o Hispanic/Hispanic American Literature (3)
ENGL 378 Contemporary Native American Authors: Telecourse (3)
ENGL 400 Contemporary Literature (3)
ENGL 410 Shakespeare鈥檚 Plays (PATH) (3)
ENGL 412 Drama of Ancient Greece (PATH) (3)
ENGL 420 Literary Theory (3)
ENGL 430 Tradition and Transformation: Literature, History & Cultural Change (HIST) (3)
ENGL 431 European Renaissance Literature & Art (ART) (3)
ENGL 432 Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (ART/PAMU) (3)
ENGL 433 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (GEND) (3)
ENGL 444 Original Practice in Renaissance Drama (PATH) (3)
ENGL 456 Women鈥檚 Fiction (3)
ENGL 461 Fiction Writing (3)
ENGL 462 Poetry Writing (3)
ENGL 463 Writing for the Stage and Screen (3)
ENGL 464 Creative Non-Fiction (3)
ENGL 474 Approaches to English Grammar (3)
ENGL 477 Adolescent Literature (3)
ENGL 478 Writing as Reflective Practice (3)
ENGL 482 Technical Writing (3)
ENGL 483 Technical Visual Communication (3)
ENGL 484 Technical Writing for the Sciences (3)
Master of Arts in English
(Pending approval from the Chancellor鈥檚 Office)
The Masters Degree Program in English is structured with a set of core courses taken by all 海角社区CI English graduate students. Students choose one of two options to complete their study, the Literature Specialization or the Composition and Rhetoric Specialization. These differ in their course requirements and purposes. Both specializations prepare students for continued work toward a doctoral degree, for teaching at the community college level, and for advancement as a secondary teacher. The M.A. in English prepares students for careers in editing, writing, journalism, criticism, politics, public information, advertising, and a variety of options in the corporate world.
Admission Requirements
For admission, students must have a baccalaureate in English from an accredited institution or permission of the program chair, have maintained a grade point average of 3.0 for the last 60 semester units (90 quarter units), and have a writing sample approved by the English Graduate Advisor. Non-native speakers of English should submit their Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores.
Requirements for the Masters Degree in English (36 units)
Required Core Courses (12 Units)
ENGL 601 Critical Theory Seminar (4)
ENGL 602 Seminar in Language Structure (4)
ENGL 603 Seminar in Contemporary World
Literature (4)
Required Specialization Courses (24 Units)
Complete one of the following Specializations:
Required Courses in Literature Specialization (24 units)
ENGL 620 History of Literary Movements (4)
ENGL 698 Thesis: Literature Specialization (4)
16 units of literature courses at the 600 level
Required Courses in Composition and Rhetoric Specialization (24 units)
ENGL 640 Seminar in Composition Theory and
Practice (4)
ENGL 641 Seminar in Composition Methods for
Non-traditional Students (4)
ENGL 699 Thesis: Composition and Rhetoric
Specialization (4)
Electives (choose 12 units from the following)
ENGL 646 Teaching Practicum (1-4) <second
year implementation>
ENGL 647 Seminar in Assessment Methods (4)
ENGL 648 Writing as Cultural Practice and
Social Change (4)
ENGL 649 Rhetorical Analysis (4) <second
year implementation>
Plus one 600-level or approved 400-level
English course
Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement
Writing proficiency prior to the awarding of the degree is demonstrated by successful completion of ENGL 603: Seminar in Contemporary World Literature (4) with a grade of B or better or ENGL 640: Seminar in Composition Theory and Practice (4) with a grade of B or better.