Program Offered
- Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Studies (Pending Approval from the Chancellor’s Office)
The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Early childhood Studies will prepare graduates with the requisite knowledge and skills to effectively work with young children and their families from birth through eight years of age. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in order to serve typically developing young children and those with disabilities within the natural settings of home, community, and schools.
The academic program will offer core curricula and practica in early childhood development and pedagogy while highlighting the contextual influences of family, culture, language, and society. Embedded in the program are the competencies for the Childhood Development-Permit Teacher or Director (California Commission on Teacher Credentialing). There is a specific programmatic focus on the preparation of graduates who possess knowledge and skills in second language acquisition and literacy for young English learners. A program option includes the background knowledge for subject matter preparation for the multiple subjects and special education teaching credentials.
The Early Childhood Studies Program is distinctive in that the major emphasizes the first eight years of life as extremely significant in children’s development. The philosophy implicit in the Early Childhood Studies Program is reflective of the Position Statements and Early Childhood Professional Preparation Standards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children that include:
- Promoting child development and learning
- Building family and community relationships--whatever their structure, language, ethnicity, and child’s ability or disability
- Delivering developmentally effective assessment and teaching practices
- Preparing early childhood professionals beyond a foundational level in order to support the acquisition and application of advanced knowledge and skills.
The program will prepare graduates for multiple career paths in the fields of teacher education, health and human services. These careers include infant/toddler and preschool teachers, early interventionists, administrators of centers for young children and families. The program will provide the subject matter preparation for continuing study in the areas of multiple subjects and special education teaching credentials, as well as related professional programs in health and human services such as child life specialists and counselors. Graduates will also be prepared to pursue graduate studies in related fields such as, education, social work, human development, and counseling.
Program Learning Outcomes and Contact Information
- Students can teach and administer in programs serving young children (with and without disabilities) from birth through eight and their families
- Students are able to teach all subjects in their area of specialty
- Students understand and relate to diversity of languages and cultures in and among children and families
- Students can meet the diverse needs of all children including those with special needs
- Students are reflective and deliberative practitioners
- Students link content to pedagogy
- Students actively engage children in their learning
- Students integrate research, theory and best practice into
Contact Information
Manuel Correia, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
Bell Tower East 2809
Joan Karp, Ph.D.
Professor of Special Education
Chair, Education and Liberal Studies Program
Bell Tower East 2814
Jill Leafstedt, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Special Education
Bell Tower East 2846
Elizabeth Quintero, Ed.D.
Professor of Education
Coordinator of Early Childhood Studies
Bell Tower East 2811
Lillian Vega-Castaneda, Ed.D.
Professor of Education
Bell Tower East 2848
Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Early Childhood Studies (120 units)
Lower Division Requirements (24-25 units)
ART 102 Multicultural Children’s Art (3)
GE C1, C3b
ECS 101 Introduction to Early Childhood
Education (3) GE D
ECS 221 Child, Family and Community in California
in the 21st Century (3)
ENGL 212 Introduction to Children’s Literature (3)
PSY 150 Foundations of Child and Adolescent
Development (3)
Spanish College Level (3-4 units)
Select one of the following:
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I (4) GE C3a
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II (4) GE C3a
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I (4) GE C3a, C3b
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I (4) GE C3a, C3b
SPAN 211 Spanish for Heritage
Speakers I (4) GE C3a
SPAN 212 Spanish for Heritage
Speakers II (4) GE C3a
SPAN 301 Advanced Spanish: Part I (3)
SPAN 302 Advanced Spanish: Part III (3)
American Institutions Requirements (6 units)
HIST 275 The United States to 1900 (3)
POLS 150 American Political Institutions (3)
Upper Division Requirements (48 units)
ECS 320 Early Childhood Service Delivery Models
and Programs for Young Children (3)
ECS 322 Early Childhood Program Administration (3)
ECS 325 Typical and Atypical Development:
Birth-Age 8 (3)
ECS 456 Working with Parents (3)
ECS 460 Infant/Toddler Assessment and
Intervention (3)
ECS 461 Infant/Toddler Student Teaching and
Seminar (4)
ECS 468 Early Numeracy and Literacy for Children
Ages 3-8: Multicultural/Multilingual (3)
ECS 470 Preschool/Primary Assessment and
Teaching Strategies (3)
ECS 471 Preschool/Primary Student Teaching and
Seminar (4)
EDML 461 Theory, Methods, and Applications in
Bilingual Education (3)
EDUC 512 Equity, Diversity and Foundations of
Schooling (3) GE C3b Senior standing
ENGL 475 Language in Social Context (3)
HLTH 322 Health Issues in Education (2) GE E
PHED 302 Motor Learning, Fitness and Development
in Children (2) GE E
SPED 345 Individuals with Disabilities in Society
(PSY) (3) GE D, E, INTD
SPED 546 Consultation and Collaboration with Families and Professionals (3) Senior standing
Students considering a Multiple Subject or Special Education credential are strongly urged to complete the following courses. These courses in conjunction with other program requirements provide the subject matter background knowledge tested on the CSET-Multiple Subjects examination.
Select either:
BIOL 100 Exploring the Living World (4) GE B2 or
BIOL 170 Foundations of Life Science (4) GE B2
Additional courses:
COMP 101 Computer Literacy (3) GE B4
HIST 211 World Civilizations: Origins to 1500 (3)
HIST 369 California History & Culture (3)
MATH 208 Modern Mathematics for Elementary
Teaching I: Numbers & Problem Solving
3) GE B3
MATH 308 Modern Mathematics for Elementary School
Teaching II-Geometry, Probability and
Statistics (3)
PHSC 170 Foundations in Physical Science (4) GE B1
University Electives and General Education Requirements (48 units)
Electives (42 units)
Interdisciplinary Electives (6)
Total Units for Graduation
Lower Division Requirements (24-25)
Upper Division Requirements (48)
University Electives (48)
Total (120)