
2023-24 Campus Budget Plan

Table of Contents

*To access the complete budget plan in one document, please scroll to the bottom of the page.
  1. All Funds Summaries (, 209KB)
    1. Overall Summary (, 115KB)
    2. All Funds Revenue Summary (, 193KB)
    3. All Funds Expenditure Summary (, 193KB)
  2. General Operating Fund (, 193KB)Ìý
    1. General Operating Fund Revenue (, 132KB)
    2. General Operating Fund Appropriation (, 116KB)
    3. Divisional Operating Budgets (, 142KB)
      1. Office of the President (, 114KB)
      2. Academic Affairs (, 112KB)
      3. Business and Financial Affairs (, 117KB)
      4. Student Affairs (, 115KB)
      5. University Advancement (, 115KB)
      6. Centrally Managed (, 119KB)
      7. Summary (, 118KB)
    4. Distribution of Employee FTE (, 126KB)
    5. One-Time Commitments (, 113KB)
  3. Other Funds (, 164KB)
    1. Category II Student Fees (, 134KB)
      1. Student Health Services (, 114KB)
      2. Orientation (, 109KB)
      3. Student Health Facilities (, 109KB)
      4. Materials, Services, Facilities and Technology (, 110KB)
      5. Student Body Center (, 110KB)
      6. Associated Students (, 108KB)
      7. Instructionally Related Activities (, 109KB)
      8. Recreation and Athletics (, 114KB)
      9. Summary (, 114KB)
    2. Lottery (, 110KB)
    3. Auxiliary Organizations (, 121KB)
      1. Associated Students, Inc. (, 110KB)
      2. º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Foundation (, 110KB)
      3. University Auxiliary Services (, 115KB)
      4. Summary (, 115KB)
    4. Site Authority (, 112KB)
    5. Auxiliary Enterprises (, 115KB)
      1. Housing and Residential EducationÌý(, 115KB)
      2. Transportation and Parking ServicesÌý(, 115KB)
      3. Extended UniversityÌý(, 115KB)
      4. SummaryÌý(, 116KB)
  4. Appendices (, 314KB)
    Ìý ÌýA. Student Enrollment and Fees (, 136KB) Ìý
      1. Enrollment FTE and Headcount (, 159KB)
      2. Spring to Fall FTE (, 136KB)
      3. Tuition and Fees (, 177KB)
      4. Campus-Based Fee 10-Year History (, 111KB)
    1. Risk Pool (, 136KB)
      1. Current Risk Pool Premiums (, 115KB)
      2. Risk Pool 10-Year History (, 130KB)
    2. Capital Outlay and Deferred Maintenance (, 111KB)
      1. Capital Outlay (, 111KB)
      2. Deferred Maintenance (, 113KB)
    3. Definitions (, 153KB)

Campus Budget Plan for FY 23-24ÌýÌýComprehensive (, 477KB)

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