2023-24 Campus Budget Plan
Table of Contents
*To access the complete budget plan in one document, please scroll to the bottom of the page.- All Funds Summaries (, 209KB)
- Overall Summary (, 115KB)
- All Funds Revenue Summary (, 193KB)
- All Funds Expenditure Summary (, 193KB)
- General Operating Fund (, 193KB)Ìý
- General Operating Fund Revenue (, 132KB)
- General Operating Fund Appropriation (, 116KB)
- Divisional Operating Budgets (, 142KB)
- Office of the President (, 114KB)
- Academic Affairs (, 112KB)
- Business and Financial Affairs (, 117KB)
- Student Affairs (, 115KB)
- University Advancement (, 115KB)
- Centrally Managed (, 119KB)
- Summary (, 118KB)
- Distribution of Employee FTE (, 126KB)
- One-Time Commitments (, 113KB)
- Other Funds (, 164KB)
- Category II Student Fees (, 134KB)
- Student Health Services (, 114KB)
- Orientation (, 109KB)
- Student Health Facilities (, 109KB)
- Materials, Services, Facilities and Technology (, 110KB)
- Student Body Center (, 110KB)
- Associated Students (, 108KB)
- Instructionally Related Activities (, 109KB)
- Recreation and Athletics (, 114KB)
- Summary (, 114KB)
- Lottery (, 110KB)
- Auxiliary Organizations (, 121KB)
- Associated Students, Inc. (, 110KB)
- º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Foundation (, 110KB)
- University Auxiliary Services (, 115KB)
- Summary (, 115KB)
- Site Authority (, 112KB)
- Auxiliary Enterprises (, 115KB)
- Housing and Residential EducationÌý(, 115KB)
- Transportation and Parking ServicesÌý(, 115KB)
- Extended UniversityÌý(, 115KB)
- SummaryÌý(, 116KB)
- Category II Student Fees (, 134KB)
- Appendices (, 314KB)
Ìý ÌýA. Student Enrollment and Fees (, 136KB) Ìý- Enrollment FTE and Headcount (, 159KB)
- Spring to Fall FTE (, 136KB)
- Tuition and Fees (, 177KB)
- Campus-Based Fee 10-Year History (, 111KB)
- Risk Pool (, 136KB)
- Current Risk Pool Premiums (, 115KB)
- Risk Pool 10-Year History (, 130KB)
- Capital Outlay and Deferred Maintenance (, 111KB)
- Capital Outlay (, 111KB)
- Deferred Maintenance (, 113KB)
- Definitions (, 153KB)
Campus Budget Plan for FY 23-24ÌýÌýComprehensive (, 477KB)
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